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Hello. Looks like an awesome tool.

Is there a way to share a miro mindmap diagram, and put it into a web page, so that the people viewing it, can click on the nodes and move them around, but not see all the normal Miro toolbars, etc.

So basically the person viewing the miro mindmap in any external webpage/website, would just see the miro mindmap, and be able to move the different pieces around on the screen (just like you do when developing it?) but not be able to add anything to it?

Lastly, is it possible to programatically collapse and expand each of the nodes in the mindmap? So like if a user was looking at the miro mindmap on an external website, they could click each of the main nodes, and hide all the pieces/children attached to each of the parent nodes.  So it would be very interactive for the user looking at the mindmap, and be able to show and hide what they want….?

Hi Bill!

Thank you for reaching out! 

Yes! You can embed your boards into such websites as:

  • Coda
  • Notion
  • ClickUp
  • Confluence
  • any other websites that support iframe (including WordPress and Webflow sites). However, the toolbar will remain in view.

To embed a Miro board, click Embed on the board Export menu:


Please check out this handy article to find the full list of steps and read helpful FAQ’s to help you get set up! 

In order to allow all people to edit your board, you would need to enable Anyone with the link can edit option in the board sharing settings. This will create an interactive board where the invited users can make changes and offer suggestions! 

In regards to expand/collapse functionality of the mind map, unfortunately it is not a feature we currently have. However, feel free to upvote this Wish List idea to gain more traction! :chart_with_upwards_trend:


I hope this helps! :stars:
