
Embedded Gsheet can not be added in Miro.

  • 10 August 2022
  • 1 reply


I embedded my Gsheet in Miro and it works fine but when I want to do a change or add somethin in the Gsheet directly in Miro it does not work anymore. I have a full license and I am as well the owner of the Gsheet, so I do not understand why I can not do it anymore (some weeks ago it worked!). Has anybody an idea what I can do more? 

I need it asap. 

Thanks and greetings




1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @Judith Baumeister,

Thanks for reporting this issue! I was unable to reproduce it so far:

To this end, could you please try the basic troubleshooting steps described here? If they won't help, I'll convert your reports to a support ticket and will ask you to provide logs to us so we can better understand what's happening "under the hood" when you're unable to open the document for editing. 
