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I just upgraded my free account to an educational license (and immediately got this approved).

I would like to make a new team to have a class of students working in Miro, but when I click the new team function and create a name for it, I am forwarded to a pop up with financial plans to choose from. Is it not possible to create separate teams withing the 90 users I can invite?

@marco jeurissen - The intent behind having a 100 seat Education Plan team is that you would use this for all of your students. You will not be able to create separate "teams" within your Education Plan team. Howerev, you can create Projects.

Here's a good post on using Projects as mini teams:

In summary, you will want to:

  1. Set your team permissions so that all newly created boards and projects will NOT be visible to all team members (only the person creating them will see them).
  2. Create a project for each class.
  3. Add students of that "class" as team members of the project.
  4. Only add boards to the project for that class.

As you may have picked up on, you can think of "projects" as your "classes", or "file folders" on your computer.

Students can also create their own projects for their own private boards. They could even create other projects and invite other team members/students to that project to work on boards with them.

More on Projects in the following Help Center article:

thank you very much, this works indeed!



I just upgraded my free account to an educational license (and immediately got this approved).

I would like to make a new team to have a class of students working in Miro, but when I click the new team function and create a name for it, I am forwarded to a pop up with financial plans to choose from. Is it not possible to create separate teams withing the 90 users I can invite?

But if you can’t create a team, where do the boards live? Where can you create the project?


Sorry, I’m having the same problem. I can only create boards on other people’s teams, none of which are related to any of my classes, but are specific to unrelated projects that I was added to.

@dscohen - If you want to create a team of your own, you generally have two options:

  1. Create a paid team
  2. Create a Free Plan team

To create a paid team, you use the “Add teams” action:

If you want to create a Free Plan team, you have to either:

  1. Leave all teams that your Miro account profile is a member of (note: you would lose any boards you created in those teams)
  2. or you can create a new Free Plan team with another email address, add your current email/account profile as a member of that new team and make them an admin, 
  3. and as the admin of the new team, delete the user that just created that team (or leave them, it doesn’t really matter).

To create a new Free Plan team, follow these steps:

Creating a new Team Admin (via a new Free Plan team)

If there was only one Team Admin and they (or their account/email address) is no longer available, your only option is to create a new Free Plan team and move all boards/users to team - here’s how:

  1. Have one team member create a new Miro account using an email address they have never used with Miro before.
  2. Then, they add their current email to the new team (and promote that user to Team Admin).
  3. They continue to add all required team members to this new team - and promote at least one other to Team Admin!
  4. Now all board owners can move their boards to the new team.
  5. Because only a board owner can move a board, if you are not the owner of the board, e.g., the old Team Admin, simply duplicate the board at which point you will be the owner of the duplicate - then move the duplicate.
  6. Once all the boards have been moved, everyone can leave the old team.

As a bonus, when moving a board between teams, the URL remains the same (but changes if you duplicated the board).

With the steps above, it is technically possible to create as many Free Plans as you have email addresses available to you and amalgamate them onto one Miro account profile (or at least it is at the time I post this).


But it won’t let me create a free plan team either. Just keeps wanting me to upgrade (which I am not authorized to do)

Oh I see. I missed where you stated “ Leave all teams that your Miro account profile is a member of (note: you would lose any boards you created in those teams) “


That’s weird. I can’t leave all of those teams because they are active projects I’m involved with.

Creating a “free” account so I can have a team won’t work because I need the Educational license.

Oh I see. I missed where you stated “ Leave all teams that your Miro account profile is a member of (note: you would lose any boards you created in those teams) “


That’s weird. I can’t leave all of those teams because they are active projects I’m involved with.

Creating a “free” account so I can have a team won’t work because I need the Educational license.

To be clear, are you saying “Creating a “free” account so I can have a team won’t work because I need the Educational license.” because

  1. your desired outcome is to have an Education Plan; or
  2. you think that you need an Education license before you can create a new team?

To summarize the Education Plan process - typical, happy path:

  1. An educator/students creates a free Miro account - this leads to them having Free Plan team.
  2. They apply for the Education Plan.
  3. If approved, Miro upgrades the user’s Free Plan team to an Education Plan team.

If the applicant is not a Team Admin of a Free Plan team, e.g., they are just a member of a number of teams, then Miro will create a new team, make it an Education Plan team, add the application to that team, and make them the Team Admin. That being said - and if your ultimate goal is to have your own Education Plan team - you should go ahead and apply using this form.

I have an Educators license on my existing account.

If I go and create a second account so I can actually build a team, any board that is created on it will be under the “free” lice se and not the “Educators” license.

I can’t delete all of the teams I’m on with my Educators account because those teams need me on them for existing projects.

It’s so strange that they offer an Educators license that can’t be used.


I have an Educators license on my existing account.

Are you the Team Admin of that team?

You could be a team Member of 100 teams, but if you are not the Team Admin, it is not “your” team - it is the Team Admin’s team.

I’ve never crated a Team (free or otherwise) for my account, and to my knowledge I’m not an Admin of any team.

That’s why I’m so confused. How can I create a board for a project if I can’t create a team for a project? It makes no sense for me to create a project board on a Team for a completely different project that the students can’t be a part of.

Update to Community: @dscohen and I got this all sorted.

Miro did create an Education Plan, but it was not obvious as to which team it was. Being able to send someone a direct link to a team would surely have helped here - there’s even a few Wish List idea posts requesting such a feature:
