I’m trying to create a streamdeck-style custom keyboard with an Arduino as a USB HID device, which issues specific key combinations such as CTRL + 0 to zoom to 100%.
Everything is working so far apart from zoom in using CTRL + +. It seems to be intercepted by the browser and performs a browser zoom, despite other variations working as expected:
- CTRL + -: zooms out Miro board (as expected)
- -: zooms out Miro board in/out (as expected)
- CTRL + 0: zooms Miro board to 100% (as expected)
- CTRL + RIGHT/LEFT/UP/DOWN: scrolls canvas (as expected)
- MOUSE SCROLL UP/DOWN: zooms in/out at the cursor location (as expected)
- CTRL + +: zooms the browser window
- +: does nothing
Does anyone know of a specific key combinations I could use to ensure the browser doesn’t intercept? (I’m working in Microsoft Edge on Windows; I haven’t tried other browsers).