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There have been many instances of Ctrl+v leading to the “Sorry, this file type is not supported” message. But when manually clicking the paste button after right click it does work so the file type is clearly not the problem. For some reason when clicking paste from the right-click menu it gives this additional button with paste again. Whatever this is needs to preferably get automated or at least also become a thing for using the Ctrl+v shortcut.

This has happened for plenty of things but for replication purposes one example is .webp images.

@youngturtlesloth - When I copy a .webp from a web page in Chrome, Windows 11, using “Copy image”, and then Ctrl-V to a board, it works for me:


However, if I save the image to my desktop, copy to clipboard and try to Ctrl-V to a board (or drag-and-drop, or upload, via the board upload menu), I get the same error as you.

Under what scenario are you getting the error (browser, desktop app, from a site/local, etc.)?

Hi @youngturtlesloth,


I was able to paste the image using the key shortcut without any error. It is worth to try the troubleshooting steps below and see if it helps fixing this:

  1. Check if the issue is reproduced in incognito (private) mode and a different browser
  2. Disable the browser extensions. Sometimes they clash with Miro processes (e.g. Grammarly with the text widgets). 
  3. If you work in the Desktop app, reset the app data
  4. If you experience performance issues on a specific board, try duplicating it and see if the issue persists on the copied board

Let us know how it goes!

@Eca I am getting the error anywhere (browser, desktop app, incognito), with or without extensions and on any board.

@Robert Johnson Copying that webp image from that site gives me the error immediately (without that extra step of saving to desktop → copying to clipboard). I’m on windows 10

Try seeing what happens if you try to copy this one, the link says its a .png but when I try to save it it acts as a .webp

I’m quite certain I got the error for other file types as well, but I forgot what they were.

Also can you confirm whether you also get this additional paste button when trying to paste manually with the right click menu? I tried to make a video but the extra button doesn't show up on it so I also added an image. In the second example of the video I demonstrate how I don't actually need to click this extra button in order for the image to get pasted.



Hi @youngturtlesloth 


Thanks for the detailed follow-up and for sharing the example!

It sounds like this issue persists across multiple platforms and browsers, which is definitely unusual. Since you've already tried the key troubleshooting steps like incognito mode, disabling extensions, and testing on both the browser and desktop app, I would recommend doing the following next steps:

  1. Check for pending app or browser updates. Occasionally, outdated versions can cause unexpected bugs like this.

  2. Clear cache and cookies (if not done already). Sometimes accumulated data can interfere with proper function.

  3. Test in a different environment. If possible, you could try on another device (if available) to see if the issue still exists.


Let me know if any of the additional steps help, and thanks for your patience as we work through this!


@youngturtlesloth I can copy-paste the image you shared with no issues, both by “Copy image” from the browser and then Ctrl-V to a Miro board and by saving to my desktop and then uploading, and by upload by URL ( directly from a board.

As for the addition paste button, this doesn’t look like a Miro UI element, simply based upon color and and styling. While it could be some sort of experimental feature, I suspect it is something else (browser or OS level).

I opened a support ticket to inquire as to why the .webp file I can copy from a site, then gives an error when copying/uploading locally.

They have reached out to the product team:

Thank you for reaching out to Miro regarding the error you're encountering when uploading .webp files via upload, copy-paste, or drag-and-drop. We're happy to assist!
Rest assured, I've got in touch with the team internally to check and investigate your case. I'll let you know as soon as I receive an update from them.

Here is the explanation that I received from Miro support:

Thank you for reaching out and reporting the issue you are experiencing together with some more users!
I see that you're getting an error File is not supported when trying to upload a .webp file from your device or by pasting a link to the file, but the image is displayed without any issues if you copy it and paste it on your board. I will be more than happy to explain what's happening here!
The reason why you are getting the error File is not supported is that the .webp file format isn't included in the Supported file formats list. This is why such files cannot be uploaded to boards or imported via URL unless converted to another file format.
When you copy an image and paste it to a board, the copied image is converted to .png automatically. Basically, not the original image is pasted on the board, but its screenshot in .png format. This is why the image is displayed successfully on board if you use copying/pasting – .png images are supported by Miro.
Feel free to use the copying/pasting workaround in case you need to upload .webp images to boards, e.g., from the WebP Gallery you linked.
I hope this clarifies the case! I'm going to close this ticket now. If any additional questions appear, please let me know in this thread. The ticket will be reopened, and I will be more than happy to assist you further!


So, this does answer why we cannot upload the files from our local computer.

@youngturtlesloth - As for your paste-from-site error and that extra button that is appearing, I am still leaning towards that button coming from outside of Miro, and being at the OS level (I say this because you reporting getting the same button in all browser, and even the desktop app).

Are you able to try this from a completely different machine?

@Robert Johnson 
The Miro support reply is saying that the webp image is being converted to png automatically. But my point is that this only works with manual clicking and this OS level button, not with ctrl+v. Whatever OS thing is allowing this conversion should ideally be built into miro to also work when pasting with ctrl+v. All the users who didn't find this workaround will think that they cannot use a file type when they clearly can, and it is just less convenient in general.

So the question is about whether the devs want to spend their time improving it. Not whether we ‘can’ upload files locally.

@youngturtlesloth - I agree with what you are saying. Ultimately, Miro will need to prioritize this as a change they make.
