Bulk Mode - Excel Copy only pasting on to one Sticky Note

  • 11 February 2022
  • 4 replies

Miro Windows App - Windows 11

Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2201 Build 16.0.14827.20158) 64-bit

Does not work with Google Sheets either


4 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi @Wairere Iti

Thank you for reporting the issue! 🛠

We’re sorry you’ve run into it but please have no worries - I’ve converted this post into a support ticket and our team will reach out to you shortly via email. Stay tuned! 🙂

Is there any plan on fixing it? Bulk mode with Google Sheets still doesn’t work on my Mac (after 8 months of the report by OP)

Userlevel 3

Hey @Pawel Badenski 
Looks like you mixed two different flows here:

The second option doesn't require you to open the bulk mode, you need to paste the copied cells directly to the board. Please see below the citation from the Help Center article where we explain how this functionality works.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Pawel Badenski - If you are are trying to copy a single Google Sheets cell into Miro and it is pasting as text rather than a stickt note, this is expected behaviour due to the way Google Sheets copies one cell to a clipboard - more on this here:

