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I have used templates in Miro for some time now, but mostly saving frames as templates. I recently created and saved a whole board as a template (using save board option)


When I create a brand new board and select this new template everything works fine. But, when I select an existing board and try to add the template (like I normally would when adding frames templates as shown in the picture below) 

it doesn’t work. Is this the way it should work? Do Board templates operate differently to frames templates? Or is there a problem with my template? 



@Ruth Newnham -

I just did a quick test by saving a test board as a template, then opening another (existing) board and adding the newly created template and it worked fine.

Is the existing board you were trying to import the template in within a different Miro team than where the template was created or is it in the same team?


Hi @Kiron Bondale - thanks as usual for the prompt reply!

Nope -same team - did nothing different to usual - that’s why I asked the question. I have since tried adding this new template to a different pre existing board and it works - so it seems there must be an issue with the board I was originally trying to update (tried again and it just won’t add the template) 




@Ruth Newnham -

That does sound like there might be some sort of corruption with that board. You might try duplicating it and then retrying the import OR create a brand new board and copy & paste all content from the old board into it and then retry the import. Usually, if a board malfunctions with one capability, it might start doing so for something else down the line so better to fix it ASAP.

Good luck!


thanks @Kiron Bondale already done! 

What I have observed:
if I use symbols in the name of a template, for example an &-sign, then the template is not saved but simply discarded.

If I create a template and first use a name without symbols, save it and then rename it and then use symbols, the first name is somehow retained - see screenshot...


