back button from Miro in Microsoft Teams app

  • 16 December 2021
  • 1 reply



the integration lf Miro in a MS Teams Channel works perfectly in the Teams app on ios (ipad)
We can enter the Miro board from the channel menu in Teams and work in the board.


problem: we cannot go back.

the back button in the upper left corner in the teams app is non-functional.

In the tab menu of the teams app we can switch to chat, activity, calender,…

but within the teams section we cannot leave the board to go back to the channel we came from.


so, once in the miro board, never get back to channel and its chat and files and so on


only workaround: restart teams app.

expecred behavior: back button should work


any idea?

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @Odo Maletzki!

Thank you for reaching out to us and reporting the issue! 🔧 

We have found your ticket and our technical team will get back to you via email!

Please stay tuned, we’ll make sure to keep you updated. 🙏
