
Access information on Boards wrong (Bug)

  • 8 April 2024
  • 0 replies


Hi together,

we discovered a rather nasty bug last week.

If you create a project in a team, and toggle the button

"Anyone in your team can view boards in this project" this overrides any other restrictions IN the boards inside this project.


1. I create a project "Test ISB" and toggle "Anyone in your team can view boards in this project."

2. I create a board inside this project, looking on the board sharing restriction it is saying
"Anyone at Team XXX : NO ACCESS"
"Anyone with the link: NO ACCESS"

BUT: Everybody in Team XXX CAN access it due to step 1! -> wrong statement about "NO ACCESS"

If I toggle "Anyone in your team can view boards in this project." to OFF
The Screenshot 2 does not change its content, but now really nobody can see it.

Screenshot 2 is clearly wrong in the case, if the toggle "Anyone in your team [...]" is active. Please fix this!

Best regards!

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