Hi @Andie Kurniawan. I had never considered this functionality before, but I can definitely see how the User Story Map could get quite large over time. I played around with this myself and could also not find any way to hide a release or even just move it to another User Story Map. I also do not see anything about this in the User Story Mapping help article.
My only suggestion would be make a copy of the whole User Story Map, rename it (e.g., the release number/date/etc.) and then delete everything that was not part of that release.
I would also recommend adding this as a Wish List item following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know
Thanks @Rob Johnson . Interesting workaround and will definitely use that workaround. 
That’s a good workaround ideed, but I think that removing content to enhance usability somehow reduces one of the goals of a Story Map, the ability follow initiatives across releases. What I’d expect here to solve this would be a collapse or even hide by release.
Hi @Andie Kurniawan - I requested the same thing in the Wish list a bit earlier: https://community.miro.com/wish-list-32/user-story-mapping-hide-release-1642
No answer yet :(