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A black and white finger-icon appears permanently on the right corner left zo the navigation area as if I were using a tablet

  • December 16, 2021
  • 3 replies

I hope this is the rigth place to adress my problem. I use miro app windows 10. Since I changed the payment method for my Miro account 2 weeks ago, the mouse navigation seems to be disturbed. A black and white finger-icon appears permanently on the rigth corner left zo the navigation area as if I were using a tablet. What can I do to get this symbol away? How can I remove this permanent icon?It is not only superfluous but annoying. I don't want a double navigation symbol permanently on the surface! Thankyou for help or giving me an idea how i can delete the tablet symbol during the mouse settings are active.

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  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • December 21, 2021

Hi @Rauthgundis Reck!

Thank you a lot for reporting the issue! 🛠

As a rule of thumb, many issues with the Desktop app can be solved by re-installing the app.

However, just in case there’s something else going on, I have also converted your post into a ticket and we will get to you shortly via email! 🙏

Dear Polina, thankyou very much for operning a ticket. I had mltiple reinstalled the miro app but the problem remained. But i have determined, that this problem only exist at one Notebook (at the other there is no black white finger symbol). The Notebook where the symbol appears is a DELL Inspirion which also can be operated in a tablet mode but i never used it as a tablet until now and it is even not set up as a atblet. But perhaps this could be the root cause for the permament finger display on my notebook?

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • December 21, 2021

This symbol likely indicates that you are in touchscreen navigation mode, due to the device (your Dell) being a 2-in-1 style laptop with a touchscreen. I believe the persistent touchscreen symbol is a feature of the beta UI interaction changes. 
