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[RESOLVED] Uploaded images won't appear

I uploaded images to a miro board and they uploaded just fine, but a few days later they appeared like this and I can no longer see or download them. These are the only copies of the images I have as I delete them from my other devices to save on storage space. This is crucial to my work and I have no other way of gaining back these important photos. Please help!

30 replies

Hi! the same issue. my work stucked. please do something to fix it or give some advise maybe. there is a deadline and i won’t make it if the problem won’t be solved in the shortest possible time.
huston we have a Big problem (
p.s. the program is awesome! 👏

Edit: images came back 


Hello, Same problem here, I have lost all the images I uploaded in my Miro boards.

Hundred hours of work, could you please find a solution to this, it is impossible to re-upload all the images/screenshots etc.

Thank you


Same issue as above. Checked on other networks and it still occurs. Might be again problem on your server side.

EDIT: It’s still unstable. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

Issue is fixed for me, all images were restored, thanks Miro team!

Hi! Have the same problem. Uploaded images won't appear.
