Tue, Mar 15, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM (UTC)

Body Language and Confident Communication

About this event

All are welcome for this belated International Women’s Day discussion about how body language impacts our confidence, our communication, and even how we think about ourselves.


During this 45 minute event, we will enter small breakout rooms to discuss Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, Your body langauge may shape who you are. In her talk, Harvard professor and social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, discusses how “we can change other people’s perceptions - and perhaps even our own body chemistry - simply by changing body positions.” Our discussion will cover subjects like body language and confidence, how these topics apply to video calls, and how we might apply these learnings to our communication in Miro.


Attendees are encouraged to watch Amy Cuddy’s 20 minute TED Talk here prior to the event. If you are unable to watch the whole talk, just watch the 3 minute summary here.



  • Welcome and icebreaker
  • Overview of the key concepts in Amy Cuddy’s talk
  • Introduce discussion topics
  • Breakout rooms
  • Takeaways as a group


👋 Event host:

@Alexis Luscutoff, Community Lead at Miro 


Alexis has built her career building communities and she is passionate about empowering women in this world. Alexis has led and advised communities in tech, politics, and nonprofits. She is also a trained coach and has facilitated workshops about body language and confident communication at tech companies and for high school girls.

Event details
Online event
Tue, Mar 15, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM (UTC)