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Why text is more clear in editing but blurry afterwards

Is this only my Miro or is this normal? The text is a lot more clear when editing. Once finish editing, it is burry. 


29 replies

I was able to resolve the issue by removing Windows (recommended) Scale value under Display settings

  • Recommended = 150%
  • Value that fixed the issue = 100%


Similar observation.  If browser (or app) window is set to full screen, then everything is sharp.  As soon as that window is dragged to be a smaller size, everything goes blury.  This is especially noticeable on text.


Do you observe the text crispness decrease in both the desktop app and browser? If not, where? In case only in the browser only, please specify which one you're using.

Chrome & Windows 11 installable app.

What's your monitor resolution?
3840 x 2160 

Your OS?
Windows 11

Do you use one monitor or several screens setup?
Single external screen.

Do you use the Browser scale/Zoom?

Does it help to reset it to 100%?

Does it help to reload the page?

I got the same issue -

I’m on Win 11 - using the Desktop App

I’m using multiple screen setup.

The “blur effect” looks apparenty on my 4k Curved Screen  -

But, on the other 1440p monitor...both boxes appear blurry. 

Seems like Miro is lowering the resolution of its text based on screen setup?

1140p monitor image below


Userlevel 1

3 years later and still blurry. This app is unusable.

Just adding another observation here, I have a Macbook that I use for work with external monitors, and it only gets blurry on the laptop screen - when I drag the window over to the external monitor, suddenly everything is sharp. And like others have mentioned, while editing the target element always becomes sharp, regardless of monitor.
