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Transferring Board Ownership to Non-Team Member

  • 11 November 2020
  • 4 replies

Can I transfer board ownership from my team to a non-team member. In this example, we are providing the Miro board as a final deliverable for a client.

We are currently on the Business Plan. Thanks in advance for your help!

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Keirstin Townsend - There is a new feature that started rolling out a few weeks ago that will easily allow you to share a board that is in at least Anyone with the link → Can view access (you can password protect the board too). The feature hasn’t even been officially announced yet, but it may already be enabled on your account - I am calling the feature Board Content Copy Permissions.

There is also a great post on this forum by @Kiron Bondale titled 6 ways to provide someone with a copy of a board you own.

Both Kiron’s article and the steps for the new feature are in the the following post:

If you want to test the experience of receiving a board from a client’s perspective, here’s a board I created for teaching/onboarding someone who is new to Miro. Just open it and click on the board name/title and Duplicate it to your account:



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Keirstin Townsend - Just note that if you use the Download board backup option to export a copy of the board as a .rtb file and then send that electronically to your client, they will only be able to import it into their account if they too are on a paid (or Education) plan.


@Keirstin Townsend - Just note that if you use the Download board backup option to export a copy of the board as a .rtb file and then send that electronically to your client, they will only be able to import it into their account if they too are on a paid (or Education) plan.


But all the options you suggested are just giving her access, not ownership, right? I think I want to give her ownership.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Yes, it sounds like you want to give her ownership. However, she cannot be the owner of a board that resides in your Business Plan team unless you add her as a paid team member on your Business Plan team. So, the alternative is to send her a copy of the board. In Kiron’s article, he lists six ways to do this. However, there is a seventh with the very new feature in Miro. To see if you have this feature enabled on your account, open the Share settings of the board that you are going to share with her and see if you have Sharing settings:


If you do, then you can follow the instructions in this post:

To experience this as your client would, open the following board that I am the owner of in my account. Then, click on the board name/title and then Duplicate:

Then you will be prompted for what you want to call the board and which space/Team you want to save it to:

Once done, you are now the owner of that board and it is in your account.

You may even want to share this board with future clients as a way for them to learn how to use Miro :)