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Presentation mode doesn't work. Help!


I made a workshop board in Miro for a workshop TOMORROW, and the presentation mode doesn’t work. We have a basic subscription, so it’s possible to invite people without an account to edit the board, but when I (the presentator) move around in the board in presentation mode, the participants don’t follow. Which I thought was the idea of presentation mode. There is also a part in the workshop, where I present some frames, and also there the participants don’t follow the frames if I click through them.
I might find some workaround with sharing my screen but I think it might be confusing to switch between the shared screen miro and the “own” miro.

16 replies

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@VeronikaKDA -

When you start presenting, folks who are currently viewing the board should be prompted with the dialog box below to join the presentation. If they do that, then they would follow along as you present each frame. Did your participants not receive this dialog notification?



They did, but it still didn’t work :( so they got drawn to the place where I was, when starting the presentation, but when I moved then they didn’t follow...

Userlevel 7
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That is odd @VeronikaKDA. It should have them following along frame-to-frame with the presenter unless they move to a different spot or do some other action. Even so, it will still given them the option to return to the presentation in progress. You can’t prevent them from moving off the presentation once they have joined - they aren’t locked in to it.

Did they not have this option in case they interrupted the presentation?


I tried it myself: I joined the meeting as a guest from another computer, started the presentation and me as a “guest” gets drawn to the first slide, but when I start switching slides with the presentator-computer, the slides don’t move on my guest-computer. Even if I did not touch anything on the guest-computer.

We will now leave Miro for the presentation part and do it with powerpoint :( and only get back to miro for the interactive parts.

Userlevel 7
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@VeronikaKDA -

That’s a shame as it does seem to work as designed for me. What is your system configuration? I’m on a Windows 10 laptop using Miro via Google Chrome (latest build).


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@VeronikaKDA - This was also not working for me about three hours ago, but it working again now.

@Kiron Bondale On my work laptop I use windows 10 pro and firefox with the latest update. On my private laptop I have windows 10 and various browsers. I mainly use Miro for work, but when I tested yesterday I used my private laptop for visiting the presentation I ran on my work laptop. I’m travelling now for 3 days and don’t have my private laptop with me so I can’t try again, but I just thought that I could try it the other way round - running the presentation with my private laptop and visiting with my work laptop.

@Robert Johnson Oh, that sounds to me that it’s really a bug and not a mistake by me. I’ll try again as soon as I return home.

The workshop yesterday was fine, it worked well to lead the participants from Zoom to Miro and back, but in the long run it would be nice to do presentations fully in Miro.

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@VeronikaKDA -

I still end up teaching my classes using Zoom combined with Miro. Part of that is due to the superior video conferencing capabilities of Zoom but also the ability to have animations and other dynamic features in Powerpoint which are not available in Miro.

I tried the present mode a couple of times since your original post and it worked fine for me (separate days) so it might be a sporadic glitch which would be challenging for Miro support to address...


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FYI: I created a support ticket related to the “following” functionality in general as I noted in a March 23 board session that, when I following a user -- while I was moved to their location initially -- when they moved, I did not move with them, even though my view showed I was still following them (my Miro board view has a coloured border and the person ‘s avatar whom I was following had an “eye” icon on it).

I will update with anything I learn.

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@VeronikaKDA - The support team was unable to reproduce the issue, which was kind of expected as the issue appeared sporadically for me.

In the future, if happens again, please capture your browser’s console logs using the below instructions and either open a support ticket with Miro or at least reply to this post and we’ll get a ticket created.

How to capture browser console logs →

Hi, sorry for coming back to this thread only this late, there where a lot of workshops going on last week, online and offline. Thanks for creating a ticket and checking the issue. If it happens again I will create a browser console log.

And I still haven’t tried to switch my computers, which I will do soon.

Thanks for your help!

Hey everyone, I’m the product manager for this feature at Miro and just wanted to see if you’re still seeing any issues with this. We identified some problems with following after coming back to an idle browser tab a couple weeks ago and fixed them. Not sure if it’s related to what you’re seeing - would love to know if you’re still having problems.

Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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@Joe McLean - Here is some feedback on the experience of trying to play a YouTube video in full screen while in presentation mode (or just when the board is in full screen mode seems to also cause issues):

Other feedback: “expand to full screen” action

Using this action:


Results in:


A few things to note:

  1. The embedded video was playing, but using this action results in a video that is not playing.
  2. More importantly, this is video is not by definition “full screen” (it is a modal window). I understand the challenges as most people might not understand “modal” - perhaps “new window/popup would be better? (or, make the video open in full screen )

Hey everyone, I’m the product manager for this feature at Miro and just wanted to see if you’re still seeing any issues with this. We identified some problems with following after coming back to an idle browser tab a couple weeks ago and fixed them. Not sure if it’s related to what you’re seeing - would love to know if you’re still having problems.

Thank you!

@Joe McLean Yes, I confirm that the error still occurs today. I am also looking for a solution because with this error any presentation based on frames makes no sense.
I have recorded video from two screens (presenter vs guest) and console logs - where can I send them?

Userlevel 7
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@MichalSM -

tagging in @Joe McLean so he will see your update...

Hi Michal! Coming back from a couple days OOO - you can send them to Thanks for the logs and video!
