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Moving boards into projects

  • 8 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi, all! I have a Starter plan with two licenses and only one currently activated (for me). I am trying to organize my boards into Projects so I can activate my second license and share one project with a collaborator while turning off team access to the other Projects my collaborator isn’t involved in. I am the owner on all of the boards I am trying to organize into Projects. However, for some of the boards, when I try to move them my Projects don’t show up (see below) despite the fact that I am the sole owner of all of the boards I am trying to move. It seems like this issue is only occurring for my newer boards, but not for the older ones. I have tried logging out and logging back in, to no avail. Thanks for any advice folks are able to provide!


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@zplakias - As the screenshot you included, only members with editing rights to a Project can add boards to the Project:


If you are receiving that message, you do not have edit rights to the Project and, therefore, are definitely not the owner of the Project (or at least you are not signed in as the user/email address who created the Project).

Do you see the Project on the left side of your Miro dashboard? If so, when you open it, you will see the owner and can ask them to give you edit rights:


I figured out the issue. I was the board owner and project owner, but I had accidentally created the board in someone else’s team (which I had been added to as a member), which was not the team in which the projects were located. It would be nice if the “Recent Boards” section more clearly showed which teams the boards are part of.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@zplakias - Ah, yes, that makes sense. This definitely could have been avoided if there was some additional context in the "move to project" popup windows, e.g., "Current Team location of board" or "Select a project from [TEAM NAME]". 

Or, if we could move a board into a project in any team, kind of like this idea:
