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How to turn off "Make participants follow me"

  • 25 August 2020
  • 19 replies

I use the “Make Participants Follow Me” feature and it works great. But eventually I want make them unfollow me and I can’t figure out how to do that. 

I want to have them unfollow me when I’m done with a focus-talk on something and now want to go ahead with some other work, but unless they take control of their own view, they will passively continue to follow me and I want a way to be able to just make it stop for all. 

If a participant does go his/her own way, and then I follow their view, then everyone who is still following me also follows them.

Am I missing something?

19 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Brian Fulghum -

I’m not sure which option you are referring to in Attention Management? Bring everyone to me is a one-time yank of collaborators to what you are currently looking at. Alternately, if you click on the avatar of a collaborator, you start following them. You can’t prevent someone from following you but they can toggle it off by clicking a second time on your avatar.


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi Kiron, 

"Toggle it off" is what I'm looking for, but it's not working. I click a second time but the Eye icon remains andpand are still following my view.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Brian Fulghum -

that’s just it - you can’t make them un-follow you. They have to do it for themselves…


Userlevel 4

Wow - the follow is definitely linked to the user-id so not only survives closing down the session on the board and starting another session but transfers if the login switches from say Windows desktop App to android and with two logged-in sessions on the same board from different sources the followee bounces around between both actions!




Userlevel 5
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The main reason I'd like to be able to "toggle off" the following is this:  I train groups of people with activities I design, usually several connected activities. I often want to bring their attention to one activity, give the instructions, and then leave them alone to work while I go of to another part of the board to prepare something else, but if I can't turn off follow, then I can't leave that place without dragging everyone's view with me. 

I may need to find a workaround, like open a parallel session as another guest user in a second browser to use for the "follow me" moments.

Userlevel 4

That would do it

Another would be to work on another board and then cut-n-paste into the live board at the time you want to use the next activity content

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

So after using Miro further, I continue to want the ability to toggle off following, or release participants in some way. I direct a participant to a location by having them follow me, and then I want to help someone else look at another part of the board, but if I move, so does the first participant I was helping.

Can we add this to the feature development?

Userlevel 4
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Yes @Brian Fulghum - I have the exact same request.  Have you added it as a feature wish list thread?  Thank you! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Kim Roth Howe / @Isman Tanuri - Here's the Wish List post:

Userlevel 1

This is super annoying. My client is not savvy enough to unfollow me. This thing sticks even after closing the board.. not even a hack to get rid of it.

Please add an option to switch it off.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

While we wait for an enhancement, a few quick ways you can direct your participants to stop following you that I have used in the past are to tell them to:

  1. Press the Esc key
  2. Click/tap anywhere on the board
Userlevel 1

@Robert Johnson thank you for that hint. The fun thing is, that I have a super annoying client who is always on the board.. and every time I move my mouse there he calls me and wants to chat. Now he is glued to my mouse and I can not even open it to look at something without grabbing all his attention to me. I feel he does not even want to get disconnected :)

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@Marina is this suggestion still being considered or worked on?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @Brian Fulghum,

The team is aware of this use case, and this feature is in the backlog. I don’t have any ETA yet, though.

Anything new on this topic yet? For me this is really an important feature. Participants of online workshops need to be independent at some points to work on their own and need to befollowing me at other points. 


Really important for me too - it’s another thing that Mural gets right and Miro falls short. In Mural there’s a message “You’re being followed by XXX - click here to release them”

This is so PAINFUL

Echo echo echo - we need to be able to stop people following us.


We are doing our board design in separate boards and avoiding being in the board for that reason but for example when a session ends and we are reviewing things we dont want people following us. We need to go incognito.

Userlevel 4

Hey everyone! 😊

Wanted to follow up here that the “Stop following” button is available in Miro now (on Education, Starter, Business and Enterprise plans)!

You can find it at the bottom of the “Bring to me” dropdown panel. 

Hope you like it!
