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Changing Teams/Projects without Losing Boards on a Free Plan

  • 20 July 2020
  • 5 replies

I was invited to an exploratory project/team to get to know Miro. Based on that experience, I am planning to use it to facilitate a workshop with a different team shortly. I drafted the board, and now that I’m ready to share it, realize that its part of a different project/team than the one I intend it for. My institution has not yet jumped on the Miro bandwagon, so I cannot upgrade my plan in order to create a new project/team. Nor does it make sense to invite the workshop team into the distinct project/team in which the board was created. Nor can I delete the existing project/team (of which I am a member but not owner). 

I’d like to start a new project to share the board with the appropriate team. Is it possible for me to leave the project/team I’m part of and take my board content with me?      

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Althea Skinner -

If you are on a free plan, then you’d want to follow the instructions here to take content from a board within the free plan to one within a paid plan: HOW TO: Copy content from a free acount to the company account whiteboard? | Miro

If you are on a paid plan, you could just download a board backup to an RTB file and then restore it to the target account.


Thanks, Kiron. My company will not allow me to start a paid plan. I am on a free plan and am trying to leave on project/team and start another on my free plan without losing content. Is that possible?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Althea Skinner -

Unfortunately if you leave the team you are in, you’d lose access to the boards within it. And with a free plan, I don’t believe you could actually create another team without leaving the one you started with. @Marina, any suggestions?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Althea Skinner,

Please reach out to the Support team. They will be able to create your own free team for you :slight_smile:

After that, you will be able to move this board to your new team (if it is associated with the same email).

Perfect, have done so - thanks, Marina!
