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Can't copy and paste Google Doc

  • 23 June 2022
  • 8 replies

The Google Doc is a public link. Tried this: » does not work. What can I do?

8 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi @Jan Schmiedgen,

I am truly sorry to hear that you've run into this issue!

I would recommend you to check the below points:

1. You have an editor right on the board.

   Please note that you need to have an editor right to upload files to the board.

2. The file size is smaller than 30 MB and isn’t deleted from Google drive.

    Please note that the maximum file size uploaded to the board from any source is 30 MB. 


3. Does the issue appear only in one browser or in any browser? on one board or on any board? 

4. Does the issue appear only with this file or with any file?


If the issue still persists, could you please try troubleshooting steps? Hope this helps🙂

Hi, I struggle with the same problem. All the above matters are fine.

Userlevel 1

Hi @Karolina Woch,

Have you already tried this solution


If it doesn’t help, could you please clarify the following points:

1. Does the issue appear only in one browser or any browser or incognito mode? on one board or on any board? 

2. Does the issue appear only with this file or with any file?

Hi I have the same issue - on any browser, any board, in and not in incognito mode, multiple file types...etc.

I’ve tried all of the above suggestions and nothing has worked. I can upload from google drive but not copy/paste shortcut which is a feature I loved and used often on a previous plan. Please help???

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@kaylinaarts - I have ran into this myself several times, and your reply was going to be my trigger to finally report this issue. In my scenario, I paste a Google Drive, i.e., Google Document, onto a Miro board and get this error:


Note: It says at the bottom “File not found”, but it does exist.

And as you mentioned, I nee dot go to Upload → Google Drive from the left app/content creation shortcut and search for the Google Drive modal/dialogue window that opens and the doc is there and can be added to the board.


Logout and Connect your Google Drive account again – this just worked for me (Note: you may need to completely close and reopen your browser too).

  1. Go to your Miro account profile →
  2. Go to Integrations and Logout and (re)Connect your Google Drive account.


@Robert Johnson Thank you for trying to help! Unfortunately I’ve tried this several times and no luck :( If anyone can please help me solve this I’d be so grateful! It’s super frustrating that this isn’t working. I get the same error message no matter what.



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@kaylinaarts - If your current plan is on a paid Miro subscription, you can open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:

And, if the Google Drive is set up through an admin managed Google Workplace subscription, an admin of that plan may need to get involved to confirm permissions.

Thanks! Yes I have a paid plan and I’m the admin of my google workplace. I’ll write a ticket. Thank you!
