New Marketplace apps by Miro Labs: Bookmarks, Saved Selections, and Avataaars

Userlevel 2

Hi folks!


I just want to quickly draw your attention to a few new apps in the Miro Marketplace by Miro Labs that you may find useful:



Create shared bookmarks of board items / locations that you often need to revisit. [Demo video]


Saved Selections:

Snapshot and name complex selections of board items to reload later. [Demo video]


Enliven your workshops and presentations with your own custom avatars. [Demo video]


Feedback is very welcome, either here, or using the Submit feedback icon in each app.





6 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Thor Mitchell & team: I shared my feedback, thoughts, and wishes in a separate post:

Userlevel 7
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I really, really want to love and use the Bookmarks app, but it is driving me nuts that the object I pan to is partially covered up by the app panel due to the object being centered to the view port and not the view port minus the app panel. My workflow involved keeping the Bookmarks app (panel) open as I work, but I keep having to zoom out a bit every time I select a bookmark, so that I can see the entire object.

Userlevel 2

Hi Robert!

Glad you’re enjoying the app, apart from this frustration. I completely understand your workflow. The app is built on our public developer platform, which does not currently provide a way to position the viewport on a particular item, factoring in the visibility of app panels that may be open on either side of the screen.

I’ll investigate whether it’s possible to calculate the modified viewport needed to do this in the app itself, but that will likely involve some coordinate contortions that factor in the item location, item dimensions, panel width, device screen size, and zoom level! If all of these factors are not accessible to the app, it may not be possible.

In the meantime my only suggestion would be to save Location bookmarks rather than Item bookmarks. As long as your items do not move around often, this will allow you to position the Viewport “just so” as is appropriate for the size of your screen, compensating for the side panel. The only downside is that this positioning may not be quite right if you switch to a device with a larger or smaller screen.


Many thanks,


Userlevel 7
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@Thor Mitchell - Thanks for this detailed reply! I was not aware of these limitations in the current Web SDK.

if you do find that it is not possible, I could definitely request it by adding it to the Miro Developer Platform Roadmap as an Idea – perhaps with a little help around wording from yourself? As of right now, I would be trying to word it as, “Get modified viewport, based upon any open sidebars (e.g., left Frames sidebar, right Visual Notes sidebar) or app panels.”

Userlevel 2

@Robert Johnson I have spoken to the relevant teams, both to highlight the need and assess whether there is a workaround that can be implemented in the app code for now. However please do create a roadmap request for tracking purposes, and so that other developers can vote on the idea too. The most elegant solution would likely be an option to the existing SDK method that pans the viewport to an item, to compensate for open app panels. Thank you!

Userlevel 7
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@Thor Mitchell - I have submitted an item through the Roadmap page. I assume the submissions are all reviewed as I don’t see my submissions anywhere. I also created this Wish List idea post to illustrate my idea and linked to the post in my roadmap idea.
