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The Miro Web SDK 2.0 introduces mind maps

Good day Miro developers! 😃 

We have some good news to share! The Miro Web SDK 2.0 introduces mind maps in its experimental release today. Create, read, update, or delete mind maps to programmatically represent and interact with complex structures of information into Miro boards. With minimal development effort, you can also seamlessly import and export from third-party tools, or transform mind map information into other item types in Miro.

For more information, do check out the following resources:

Have fun trying it out! 





6 replies


Thanks, but this is not simple. Is there a simpler way of importing csv files for mind map? I’m not a developer and find the explanations not easy to follow… Thanks for the help. Sophie 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @Sophie B , have you tried the mindmap downloder app?

Please let me know if that solves your issue. If not, could you please give us a few more details of what you are expecting and what is missing so we can help build the right features to make it more user friendly? 

Thank you! 


Thanks Horea, 

Unfortunately not. It does not solve it. 

It shows me how to EXPORT a decision tree, not how to IMPORT. 

Also, when I EXPORT a decision tree following the indications, I don’t get the structure shown on the screen. It is not a structure in columns for the root, node 1 and node 2. 

So unfortunately, that does not bring me any further. It is frustrating, as I would like to import a decision tree into Miro, from a structured csv file, instead of recreating everything manually. 

Do you have a simple way to IMPORT (not EXPORT!) csv to generate decision trees? 

Many thanks!


Userlevel 1

Hello Sophie,


Thank you for sharing your questions regarding the CSV → Mindmap import options!


Based on the description you provided, it seems that this guide might be useful for your case - it describes how to create an app that allows reading CSV files via import/drag-and-drop and re-interpreting them into a mindmap object on the Miro board.


In case I misunderstood your request, could you please specify what kind of guidance are you looking for at this point?


Thank you, and hope that helps!

Userlevel 1



As for your initial question - that would be the easiest way to create an app that does what you initially requested from scratch.


As of now, we don’t have published apps in our Miro App Marketplace that would cover the functionality you shared.


Thank you!


Dear Andrew, 

Many thanks. Indeed, this is what I am looking for. 

However, this is also a bit beyond my personal development skills, thus I was hoping that there is already something ready. 

But, if this is the current status, I’ll need to look for help to get this app developed for our needs. 

Many thanks for helping me that far!

I wish you a nice day,

