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Once I develop my API, will it be easy for my clients to use it?

  • 28 May 2020
  • 7 replies


with my team we are considering to develop an API in order to do, remotely, some workshops that we used to do in-class.

It is a bit unclear to me if it would be easy for the clients to use it and if guest editors could use it.

Thank you,


7 replies

Could @Boris Borodyansky or anyone help me?

Userlevel 4

Hi @FrankMiler,

Sorry for the delay. Let’s see what we can do to get this figured out!

If you’re looking to set up workshops in Miro, there’s no need to necessarily develop your own API, as Miro is built to handle remote workshops and meetings.

If you’re looking to develop your own custom integration with Miro, learn more about the Miro Developer Platform.

And collaborating with guest editors is easy. You can find out more by reading this help article.

I hope that helps!

Michael Sohn


Hi @Michael Sohn .


Thank you for the material which I have, more or less, already studied deeply.

My last question is then: can Guest Editors access boards where I enabled a custom plugin built by my developers? And would that development require further steps for guest editors or could they benefit a smooth kind of experience where they would be access the board and use my plugins straight from the link?

Thank you!

Userlevel 4

Hi @FrankMiler,

If I’m understanding your situation, you’re looking to give Guest Editors access to your board with your custom plugin already enabled, without having them go through extra steps, or without having your team go through extra steps, to allow access. Is that right?

If so, the short answer to that question is: I’m not sure. I think so?

As long as the board is public, Anonymous Guest Editors will be able to access it. I don’t see why the plugin on your board that you share would not be enabled when sharing with Guest Editors.

If you want to be able to see their names when collaborating and sharing the board, they will need to sign in/sign up for a Miro account.

Here are some other materials I found that might be helpful?

Build Your App
How to Build a Web-Plugin

Web-Plugin Installation and Authorization

Let me know if any of these help. If not, I’d suggest reaching out to Miro Support by submitting a ticket here.


Hi @FrankMiler, @Michael Sohn,

Did you eventually get guests (with edit permissions to board) to be able to use a Web Plugin installed to the team?

If I gathered correctly, I might be experiencing something similar.

I’m building a workshop tool and I’m having trouble to get my custom Sidebar working for the guests (with edit permissions). My custom authorization screen pops up, leading to an Miro plugin install screen but there are no buttons available. For team members it works, but I got the paid plan for this particular feature.

Any advice?

Note the lack of (install) buttons in the screenshot below:


Hi @FrankMiler@Michael Sohn,

Did you eventually get guests (with edit permissions to board) to be able to use a Web Plugin installed to the team?

If I gathered correctly, I might be experiencing something similar.

I’m building a workshop tool and I’m having trouble to get my custom Sidebar working for the guests (with edit permissions). My custom authorization screen pops up, leading to an Miro plugin install screen but there are no buttons available. For team members it works, but I got the paid plan for this particular feature.

Any advice?

Note the lack of (install) buttons in the screenshot below:



Hello @Ari Nykänen.

To be honest we decided not to try and invest money with these uncertain terms. I even had a call with some guys from Miro but it has been a bad experience because they were unexperienced devs, didn’t have knowledge, didn’t give me answers and never followed up as they promised..


So then I felt that if that was their customer support it would have been useless to try to develop something with them.


I hope you’ll be luckier than us, that was a nice project the one we wanted to do

Ty for taking the time to answer!

I’ll try to ping the folks at Miro and see if I learn something.
