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How to set getToken response

  • 11 November 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi there,


I want to use Embed miro board.

So, I implements frontend plugin referring below.


Then, I have a question.

When we use, what kind of values should be passed to getToken property?

In the document, they say only we should generate jwt in server side.

I want to knouw actual type of the property.



2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi Kenya,


The getToken() property should be a function that returns a promise that resolves to the JWT. Its type is () => Promise<string>. So, if you already had generated the JWT, you could set getToken to be:

getToken: () => Promise.resolve(MY_JWT)

where MY_JWT is a string of Base64-URL strings separated by dots generated as described here:

Does this answer your question?
Kind regards.



Developer Experience Team

Hi Daniela,


Thanks a lot!

I will try to set Promise<string> as getToken property.


By the way, I want to know when does this JWT token is used.

It seems like I can get both new board iframe and existed board iframe with setting getToken property as void function.

Do you have any idea about that?




