What additional apps do you want to see Miro build?

Hi community 👋

My name is Memie and I’m a product designer at Miro. My team focuses on supporting all of you to collaborate better with your teams in Miro, specifically during workshops or other co-creation moments. 

Our team has been focused on helping people become more effective facilitators by building apps, like timer and voting. 


Now we want your help to help us figure out what’s next!


What has been on your wish list for apps to help you better lead your team during workshops and other collaborative meetings? 


3 replies

This is not an application, but it would be beneficial to be able to alter the colors in a pie graph and bar graph. The colors are automatically chosen and cannot be changed.. kind of lame.

Userlevel 7
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 @Memie Huang - While not apps, here are a few features that I believe could help facilitators:


Definitely the “Laser pointer” as an option within the Pen tool. Goodnotes and Canva got it nicely.
