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View-Only with just 2 boards?!

  • 5 September 2022
  • 9 replies

Hi community! 

I am free user and have only 2 boards in use, but suddenly it appears all board View-Only… I didn’t do any change in view mode or permissions but still…

Any Idea?


9 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hi @Diogenes Lucas,

From your screenshot, I can see that the boards on your dashboard are filtered in a way that you only see those you own. That being said, on the Free plan, 3 editable boards is a limit for the whole team, rather than a specific user. 

Hi @Alyona thank you for your help… so… the best chance to get it normal is leave the team right?

@Alyona hi. Would you please specify what it means that the limit for the whole team? I have 3 boards and I invited 3 people. So when you speak about team you mean that I have to count all boards of these people as well?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Anna Korff -

That is correct - on the free plan, if you have team members who have created boards, those would count towards the maximum three active editable board limit.


I could not solve my problem.
I have a Free Plan, 3 boards in total, not shared with anyone, and 2 of them are View-Only.
I am not part of any other board, and I deleted all the other people from my team.

Any pointers?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Giuli - Like the screenshot shown above, check your dashboard filter and team member count (if the user count is not "1", then you are not the only person in the team and any of those other users can create boards in that team).


@Giuli - Like the screenshot shown above, check your dashboard filter and team member count (if the user count is not "1", then you are not the only person in the team and any of those other users can create boards in that team).


that’s exactly what I meant when I said I “deleted all the other people from my team”. the user count is 1.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Giuli - And what happens if you only view "Boards in this team" instead of "Recent boards"?


Thank you so much! This solved it. 🙌
There were in fact two boards in there I did not know about!
