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switching form educational email to private after I left university

  • 24 July 2024
  • 1 reply


I have been using my educational email for quite a while without being a student any longer, but i would like to switch to my private email now. Since i’m not a student any more and therefore i no longer have access to my student mail plus it makes it more difficult to reach out to the university (no clue who to email for this matter). 

How do i get my email changed? 


1 reply

Userlevel 7
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@Suzanne Cobben - If you can still login to your Miro account, then you can update your Miro account profile’s email to a new address – instructions on how to do this are here → How to change your email address.


And here’s a recent post where I detailed a number of scenarios re switching an Education Plan to another plan type:
