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[SOLVED] I found a bug. Should I post in the community forum or submit a ticket? "Chat disables Video chat"

  • 3 June 2024
  • 5 replies

I read the Troubleshooting guide and the How to contact Miro support  but I can’t find my answer yet. So I am opening this topic.

Okay so here’s the deal. I found a bug, not a big deal (for a user, for an engineer I don’t know 😋), maybe it’s my browser (I’m on Arc). It really doesn’t bother me, but, obviously, I want to report it to the team. 

I’m on a paid plan so I know I can open a ticket, but I also want to earn my points in the community forum 😏. So my question is: ¿Should I post in the community forum (as a bug) or submit a report ticket?

Evidently I don’t want to duplicate the work for the Miro team but I was faced with this internal debate. I’ll leave the description of the bug so you understand my dilemma


Miro Product → Board & Dashboard → Toolbar

Opening the "Chat" while on Video Call, disables video call until the page is refreshed

Please describe your topic as detailed as possible: 

I was on a videocall inside Miro, when I noticed that if you open the "Chat", the Video Chat automatically ends. Not only that, it doesn't activate again until I refresh the page. 

It has happened in multiple board. The video shows the bug perfectly

I am on Arc Interner Browser. MacBook Pro 2019. MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224)

So what should I do next time:

Either post on Community Forum and earn my points😎
Or sacrifice my points 😔 and submit a report ticket directly?
Or maybe I am completely wrong and must re-do my Miro User Support Academy Course 👀 
(which I also checked for answers)

pd: I already sumbitted a request ticket (it’s not only for the points)🙄🤞

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@vprds - The most direct way is of course to submit it the support team 😉

I would only ever suggest posting in addition to contacting the support team when you suspect there will be a reasonable number of users who could be impacted by the bug.

When you do post in addition to the support team, please do so with the intent of updating the community post as you hear from the support team, or at the very least leaving a final reply once the issue is resolved. It would also be helpful if you mention all of this in your post, i.e., I have submitted this to the support team and will update this post as I hear back from the support team. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@vprds has reported the issue to the support team and will update this post as they hear back from the support team 😁

Userlevel 3

@vprds - The most direct way is of course to submit it the support team 😉

I would only ever suggest posting in addition to contacting the support team when you suspect there will be a reasonable number of users who could be impacted by the bug.

When you do post in addition to the support team, please do so with the intent of updating the community post as you hear from the support team, or at the very least leaving a final reply once the issue is resolved. It would also be helpful if you mention all of this in your post, i.e., I have submitted this to the support team and will update this post as I hear back from the support team. 


Understood! That makes sense! Thank you Rob for your answer 🙏

I’ll update the post once I hear back from the support team 😉

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@vprds - The most direct way is of course to submit it the support team 😉

I would only ever suggest posting in addition to contacting the support team when you suspect there will be a reasonable number of users who could be impacted by the bug.

When you do post in addition to the support team, please do so with the intent of updating the community post as you hear from the support team, or at the very least leaving a final reply once the issue is resolved. It would also be helpful if you mention all of this in your post, i.e., I have submitted this to the support team and will update this post as I hear back from the support team. 


Understood! That makes sense! Thank you Rob for your answer 🙏

I’ll update the post once I hear back from the support team 😉


Thanks, @vprds !

Userlevel 3

I have received some suggestions from the Miro Support Team. What may be causing this issue is using Arc Browser, as it is not in the list of the supported browsers.

I have tried using the videochat & chat in Safari and works perfectly. One doesn't disable the other. Must be Arc Browser what is causing the bug. 

I have informed the support team about this.
