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Rights to use material created in Miro (incl use of Miro icons)?

  • 14 May 2020
  • 3 replies


I am trying to find information about rights to use illustrations/material created using Miro. We are wondering if we can publish the material online, on poster and so on?  (I work in the public sector). Here are some not so unrealistic scenarios.

1: we create a user journey in Miro “from scratch”, we don’t use templates

2: we create a user journey in Miro “from scratch” and we use icons available in Miro

3: we create user journey using a template, we use icons available in Miro

etc etc :wink:

I have looked around the Miro website, various forums and threads, so far I have not found much about rights, creative common or anything like this. I would much appreciate it if someone could point me int he right direction or are able to provide answers   

Thanks in advance!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Astrid T Larssen,

Thank you for asking this question! I’ve talked to our Legal Team, here’s what they said: materials our users create in Miro is their property and they can use it for their benefit.

Hope that helps!

Hi! I wondered if this policy is still valid, 3 years later? I also work in the public sector and use IconFinder in many of our user journeys. 


Many thanks!

Userlevel 1

@Isabel K go to images& icons, see the link at the bottom.

This feature uses images form Unsplash and icons from Iconfinder, each coming with their own usage rights and attribution requirement.

The problem with Miro is that they do not really point this out (I only became aware of this today) AND that from within Miro I haven’t found a way to get to the policy. So basically you have to find the icon on iconfinder and go from there… Which means you better NOT use this feature and go to iconfinder direcdtly.

So Miro’s inplementation works, as long as you do not share the stuff you create, otherwise it becomes a bit of a pain...

