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[RESOLVED] CSV issue, no more date or owner

  • 2 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello Miro community, 

I have an issue since beginning of the week, I use to export data from my Kanban card into CSV file. It work pretty well but now when I’m doing the extract it does not contain the date and owner of the card. 

Card owner info has been replaced by a huge sequence of number not convertible to text. And the date information has just completely disapeared. 

Is it coming from a recent update ? does anybody have the same problem ? 

Thank you for your help.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Charly Bellavigna - Thanks for posting about this. I am seeing this behaviour on my end as well. I am also seeing an issue with when trying to remove an assignee.

I will open a support ticket and update this post as I learn more.

For future reference, If you have a paid Miro subscription, you can open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:


Support Team:

When exporting Cards to CSV, the following issues have been noted:

  • Assignee now showing Miro account profile ID number instead of display name.
  • "Start date" is no longer exporting on its own and will only appear in CSV if there is also a "Due date" (at which time they appear in the same field, e.g., "2024-04-1—2024-04-30".
  • I also noticed buggy behaviour when trying to remove an assignee from a Card. If you select assignee and then immediately open the Assignees list again (while the Card was still selected after initially assignee a user to the card), then the "X"/remove assignee action icon appears to the right of the assignee. If you assign a user, then deselect the Card, e.g., select another board object, and then open the assignees list again, the "X" action is not present.

Hello Robert,


Thank you very much for confirming the issue. 

We had run test on several board with several user but it’s always good to get confirmation that it’s a global issue. 

We have also open a support ticket N° 697174 and we are waiting on a timeline of resolution as this issue is preventing us to generate our monthly reporting due this week…

If you have more success getting a timeline on your side I will be interested. 

Thank you again.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

The latest update from Miro support:

Our Development team has confirmed that a bug on our end causes this behavior – we sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience it causes.
We'd like to assure you that our Development Team is still investigating the issue and working to ensure that the issue you reported doesn't bother you or other Miro users anymore. As soon as the issue is fixed, we will inform you immediately.
Once again, thank you so much for your patience! We completely understand how important flawless workflow is to you. Please bear with us!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Update from Miro support:

We're happy to let you know that both issues you reported have been successfully resolved


I did some testing and the assignee is now exporting in the CSV, and both the Start and Due dates export as expected.

As for the “remove assignee” action not appearing unless the assignee was just added, I will open another support ticket for this.
