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[RESOLVED] Boards/dashboard not loading

  • 31 October 2021
  • 38 replies

Hi all, 
I’m still in an evaluation mode as a free user and I’m unable to access my boards.. The preview isn’t showing up, just the grey logo and when clicked the grey logo animation plays but never loads. 

I’ve tried restarting my browser, opening Miro in an incognito window and downloading the app (OSX Big Sur) and tried opening from there and no luck opening the files.

Any advice on what to try next?

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38 replies

Hello everyone!

Pls help me with the problem. Miro doesn’t load the dashboard. There’s only a loading sign. 

I can see messages like these: 

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Module Board load failed. Seems like the code died on import phase
    at (индекс):231
    at async Promise.all (/app/dashboard/index 0) Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

Не удалось загрузить карту исходного кода с помощью инструментов разработчика: Не удалось выполнить синтаксический анализ контента для Unexpected end of JSON input..

I had this issue as well, and then remembered that my roommate set up Pi-hole on our network! Are you blocking any traffic (corporate VPN, Pi-hole, etc)? That could be the root of the problem. 

We have the same issue - by default we block in our hosts files via the

# []

Which now stops the dashboards loading.

We’ve been running the hosts file for a long time without issue - so guessing this is something Miro have rolled out recently for A/B testing / feature rollout.

Question for Miro team is can we opt out?

Userlevel 7
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@mcarrington - I am curious as to what Miro support could tell us about this, so I have converted your reply into a Miro support ticket. It would be helpful if you could please update this post with what the support team tells you - thanks in advance :slight_smile:


same issue here with Raspberry PI + Pi-Hole

I needed to whitelist (with subdomains) inside pi hole admin panel

good luck

@Robert Johnson the Miro support team have confirmed that its a bug - its being looked at.



Same issue here. None of the boards are loading. Windows 10, chrome & firefox. Cleared cache and site data on all browsers. 

Board do NOT load atm… 

Same. Can’t get the boards loading. Argh! Must be site-wide? 

I have the same issue, no boards loading …. and at just the time I need them :tired_face:

I have the same issue, no boards loading …. and at just the time I need them :tired_face:

It’s ALWAYS just at the time you need them! ;-)

IT’S BACK! Woohoo. 

Still having issues here in the UK im afraid  - Is everyone else up and running ok?

In the UK too and my boards have yet to return

Userlevel 7
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Hi everyone,

We identified the issue with loading the dashboard or boards. The team is working on a fix. Please, follow the updates on the Status Page -

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience.




same issue here with Raspberry PI + Pi-Hole

I needed to whitelist (with subdomains) inside pi hole admin panel

good luck

It may have been a coincidence that the timing lined up with a system outage, but I added (with subdomains) to Pi-Hole and I’m up and running!  Thanks Marek!

Userlevel 7
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@Marina - Thanks for the update. I am subscribed to status updates, but did not receive any emails for this latest incident. 

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for flagging, @Robert Johnson! I’ll let the team know, and we’ll check what could go wrong :raised_hands_tone2:

Hi friends.I have not had access to the boards for 4 days


same issue here with Raspberry PI + Pi-Hole

I needed to whitelist (with subdomains) inside pi hole admin panel

good luck

Even with Miro fixing this on their end - I also had to add to my allow list to get anything to load. If this is legit - this domain should be added to Miro’s help doc here:


Userlevel 7
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A similar post here:

We identified the issue with loading the dashboard or boards. The team is working on a fix. Please, follow the updates on the Status Page -

Hi, the Status Page says All Systems Operational but I still can't access any board. Is it because I updated to macOS Monterey? Miro works fine on my iPhone. But not on my Mac, and I tried several networks and browsers, restarted, cleared cache, and so on. I also opened two new free accounts and asked the team owner from work to invite me one another email account… but it’s all the same :grimacing:

Hi everyone! 

Since yesterday I have a problem with loading one board — only one. Others ok
I tried all the options — another browsers, vpn, Miro mobile app on mobile network. Everywhere exactly one board is not loaded.
85-90% and then a black screen

Userlevel 7
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Hi everyone,

There were indeed two separate issues:

  • Nov 2 incident (fully resolved now)
  • bug with (the team is fixing it now) 

We’ll get back to you here with the update as soon as the second issue is fixed as well.


UPD: both issues have been fully resolved.


When selecting an existing board or creating a new board Miro is stuck on loading (moving M). This happens on Chrome (Version 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and clean Firefox (94.0 (64-bit)). Even in icognito mode will it not load my boards.