When I opened one of our workshop boards today I noticed that 95% of the content was missing: There were probably more than 50 frames on the board, all disappeared without a trace. The weird thing is, not everything was gone. Two frames remained, one seemingly intact, the other one missing content as well. These two frames are the last ones I worked on yesterday, and the frame that looked complete was the last one I touched. It looks like everythings older than that has vanished.
I first assumed that one of my teammates might have deleted something by accident, but when I checked the activity feed, I couldn’t see any deletions. The last changes where made by me, and when I stopped working yesterday, the board was fine. I tried everything, web client, browser version, I asked others to double check – but the content is definitely gone (at least for the time being).
I have already created a support ticket, but I was wondering if anyone experienced something like this before and found a solution… or if I should just accept the content is gone and move on to Plan B.
We rely heavily on Miro for our work, are on a paid plan, and if this is an issue that others experienced as well, I’d love to know if we should consider looking for alternatives.
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Hi @Marina,
Thank you for your help. The team has restored my board on 8 Oct’s condition. However, There are still lot of content is missing ... Therefore,I believe the content has been missing before that.
Shuk Hing Ho
Hi @Shuk Hing Ho,
I am sorry to hear this I’ve asked the team to reply to your ticket asap.
All of 6 months works are gone. Have sent an support ticket 2 days ago, but still no response… Would anyone please contact me? We are on the paid plan and all of our colleagues are heavy users of Miro. We are not sure if any of the board have missing content.
Hi @Jackie,
I’m sorry to hear this! I’ll let the Support team know that you are still waiting for their response.
I have been waiting for a reply since early Monday (Australia time) about a board with 80% of the content deleted. Still have no content restored and no reply from Miro.
This board has over 1 months work in it and an incredible number of hours. If I had known that issues like this existed with Miro, I would have backed it up every day or taken a copy. I know now.
Not sure how to get Miro to answer my ticket as I can’t find a way to contact except via support tickets so I am trying the community to see if this helps to get an answer.
@Nick Kramer@MikeJBA@SellonoidXD,
I’m awfully sorry to hear this!
I’ve asked the Support team to reply to your tickets asap
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Good Day, May I get a help or follow up.
The restored board is still deleted boards. Please Help!
My content is still missing as well as of mid-day 12 Oct. I’ve sent my details as requested, but it would be good to get an ETA on restoring the content.
I am still missing boards and data from boards.
Frustrated and Angry
My boards were 100% restored. Many thanks to the dev team, good job!
Hi everyone,
We have restored the majority of the content that has been partially missing from some of the customer boards as of October 09, 2020, 12:23 UTC.
If you believe some of your content is still missing, we encourage you to reach out to our support team via this form.
We are continuing to investigate the incident to ensure this doesn't happen again, and will follow-up with a summary once we have more information.
I lost most of the content off a board that I spent a day created. I went to use the board today for a sales presentation -NO CONTENT.
How can I get this board back?
As a paying customer, I am not happy
I’ve hade the same issue with one of my boards where about 70% of the content disappeared. I have colleagues that reported having other boards with missing content as well.
Turns out I’ve just received a message on that same board with a link for a new board with all the content RESTORED up to the date of the problem.
So problem solved for me! Hopefully, they are going to reach out to everyone.
Any chance of an update of the incident status, the progress of boards restoration and finally information about the root cause and the actions taken to avoid this type of incident in the future ? Thanks in advance!
My boards still missing … We freaking out at work!!!!
Hi all,
We fully acknowledge that temporarily missing content caused inconvenience to some of our users, and we want to express our sincere apologies once again.
While the incident team is heads down working on restoring all of the missing content, the engineering team has come together and identified the root cause of the issue and the immediate actions that need to be taken to ensure Miro stays available and reliable at all times.
As for the features some of you mentioned (Automatic Backup and Version History), they are definitely on our radar, and I’ve passed your feedback to the product team.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Here the same: all my students are freaking out because of the loss of their work….. I contacted support and hope they will restore the board soon….
Still waiting for my board to reappear.
Woohoo my board is back! Thanks so much for restoring it!
Hello , my team is facing the same problem .
How soon is soon? all our work is dependent on the Miro board. Could MIRO expedite the restoring process.
a bit of anxiety kicking in guys!
Ok so it seems two of my boards that were affected have been restored.
However they seem to have been restored to a state dating back to about 2-3 weeks ago. Meaning a whole load of content that I had developed and worked on with my clients between then and now is gone. So this remains frustrating and not at all ideal.
I love Miro and think it excellent vfm. However this presents a huuuuuge question mark. How will you reassure us this won’t be happening again? It’s about as big a system fail as you could imagine, barring everything being deleted overnight. Hang on, that couldn’t happen, could it..?
EDIT - both my restored boards now appear to be fully salvaged! I’m very happy now! Hope everyone else gets fixed up ok.
I got it back, but the URL of the comment has changed and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. The parameters of the comment URL are different and there is no way to link the original comment URL.
Hi I also have the same problem!!
I’ve also experienced the same thing today. 2 boards with essential content are missing.
We’re in the same boat with a board we’ve been iterating on for many weeks. Ticket filed, but board hasn’t been restored yet.
SUGGESTION: rather than automatic downloads, perhaps allow restoring (to a copy) from any point in the Activity log.
Might also be worth adding a “save checkpoint” command and “automatic checkpoint” setting (which saves the entire board state, not just the change log), with the ability to filter the activity log to just checkpoints, to allow easier restores.
Before I realized this was a Miro issue, I actually tried to find (in the Activity Log) where the data had been deleted and assumed that I would be able to restore (a copy) from any point in it. However, the activity log doesn’t provide that functionality, and is limited to a few days/weeks in any event.
An update to everyone. I’m in the same team with Mondo (a thread commenter above) so we just thought it’s appropriate to give an update to everyone still waiting because we felt this yesterday too and hope to provide a little sense of relief.
An older version of our boards have been restored (thank god). You will see a prompt at the top of your affected board with a link to the restored board. We lost some new information but we’re happy that at least our months of work has been recovered.
I can’t believe it! How long did the process take to retrieve the information since you reported it? :c
As for time, it took about 20 hour-ish? That’s from the very beginning of the outage when it was first reported. So i think your boards will be restored much quicker from now on, since they’ve kinda found the “fit” i assume. The important thing i guess is to do what @Marina said, to make a report with the link to your board(s) with missing content.
Having said that, the bigger issue here is the lack of an auto backup and restoration feature for all users. It’s really important that we don’t lose our months work randomly, especially when we work with clients. I don’t think “Sorry, It’s not my fault. Miro randomly wiped out our data and now we can’t deliver by next week.” is acceptable for any client in the world.
I really hope Miro look into and quickly resolve it with a function that allow users to have ease of mind. I’m not really sure if i can sleep well every night now knowing my information could potentially be erased randomly.
Thanks Miro for helping to recover our information back. I hope we get that feature really soon so our faith in Miro can be restored too.