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[RESOLVED] "Anyone can view without sign up" link on Free plan is NOT working

I have a Free plan.

I created a board and wanted to share a link so other people can see the board [just view permission] - I copied the link but it doesn’t work - it will only show the menus but nothing else that is on the board.

I have tried different browsers, incognito modes, cookies cleaned - nothing works basically :( 


14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@MartaWozniakSemeniuk - I just tested this and am experiencing the same issue - a Free Plan board in public/anyone with the link → Can view access is not loading when the user is not signed in to Miro.

I tested via an Incognito and InPrivate window from Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

I also tried via regular window while signed out of my Miro account, in case it was a cookie issue.

I tested Visitor “view-only” access from a Consultant and Team Plan and it is working from their as expected.

Test board →

What I see/results:


I will open a support ticket and report back what the support team tells me.


It seems like people, who have link to my miro board (It’s set to people with link can view, anyone) can’t load in. It just keeps on loading forever and nothing happens.


I can load it no problem on Chrome and Mozilla if I am logged in. If I try to load up my board in incognito mode, it does not work, and I get the same issue. I tried waiting but the issue persist, and also I tried to copy my board, but that didn’t solve my issue either.


Does anyone know the reason for it? It wasn’t always like that.



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Maggie1232 - I merged your post with this existing one. This does appear to be a big. I will update the post as I hear back from the support team. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Update #1 from Miro support:

Hi Robert,
Thank you for reporting this behavior, I was also able to reproduce it on my end.
We have passed the case along to the Technical Support Engineers — rest assured they will now investigate this further and get back to you with updates as soon as they can. Please bear with us!

I am having the same problem. Free plan. Public share link leads to an endless loading screen when not signed into Miro. Tested on  Firefox/Chrome, normal/private windows.

When I try and embed the board, same story.

Same issue. Hasn’t been working for days on multiple browsers or in incognito.

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same problem on the Education plan.

Here’s a board that has only a single sticky note on it, set to Anyone with the link can comment.

I can’t open it in any browser.


I’m having the same issue, still not resolved on my end

Still not resolved here either.

Same problem still exists as of June 27, 11:30 am EDT

Does not inspire confidence in users who are testing this product out (like myself) and a basic issue like this is not resolved in over 5 days….

Your product is now losing confidence from all those who I have shared my link with….

Hope you get resolved quickly.



create public share link with “can view” rights
Empty board when visiting on shared link


When visiting a public shared link using an inkognito window the board is empty. During creation of the link, miro explicitly claims, that users do not have to be logged in to view. Why?

Also tried this with non-inkognito windows of firefox and edge. Just using inkognito chrome, so that I do not need to log out.

Oh and I am on free tier. So no paid features.


Best Regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@SoftwareKater - I merged your post with this existing one as they appear to be related.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Hey everyone,

The fix for the issue with the publicly shared boards located in free teams not loading when accessed by unregistered users is now fixed. Please make sure to refresh the page if the board is still open there to ensure you are on the most recent version of the application. Please let us know if the issue is still occurring on your end!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12 is now loading for me when not signed in 👍
