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[RESOLVED] ALL my Projects gone!

  • 5 October 2020
  • 7 replies

Maybe I just changed something in options but now im real panic!
I had at least ~10-15 projects! In the user info, there are still present! : 

Now all boards in bulk! 😱😱😱 My projects are nowhere!

Could somebody from the miro team make a restora to some days ago where all my boards where categorized into projects? 

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7 replies

Same here.


we had the same problem :-( all Projects are gone.

You can find it by searching them with a specific name.

But not in the list of all boards.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi there,

We are sorry this issue has happened! We are aware of the problem, and the engineers are now fixing it. Please bear with us! I will update the thread as soon as there’s any news.

For now, you can find all your boards in the All boards section (or by searching them).

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @balint_koszegi @MichBay @Benedikt Mäusbacher @Kimmo Kyle 

Our team has fixed the issue. Could you please check and confirm that you see personal projects now?

Works again, 1000 thanks.


my team members has check the fix - it works fine :-) 

Thanks for quick support

Hey! THX for the fast response, it solved for next day! Awsome speed. However , now I just noticed another, very important content is missing from my main board… :(