
Resize multiple images to be the same size?

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Userlevel 2

@Max Harper Wow!! When and how will we be able to use this plug in? 

I agree with @Robert Johnson Stickies/Text are easy to resize. Frames would definitely be great to resize.


One other thing from my side:

Is there a way of saving templates so we can use them season after season? We have created some fantastic Miros that we use season after season, currently we have to copy & paste the previous season Miro and then delete all info so we can then populate with new season information/imagery. Similar to how you would save an Illustrator/InDesign template and then open up the saved down template to start fresh.

Thanks for everyone’s help

Userlevel 7
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@Luke Moorhead - It sounds like the Custom Templates feature is exactly what you’re looking for. Have a read of the following Help Center article → Custom Templates.

Userlevel 7
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@Luke Moorhead  I sent you an install link in private message for the Image Resizer. 

I’ll look into adding the discussed features when I get a moment. I’ll also change the icon. 


Cheers, Max

Userlevel 2

@Max Harper this is great, thanks for your help.

Is it possible to pass this plugin to Miro so we can install officially from Miro’s side? Our company cannot install 3rd party plugin’s due to safety/privacy rules. 

We have a Miro manager for our company who is also looking into this.


Thanks again for your help.


Userlevel 7
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@Luke Moorhead  - 
Super respect that. We’re very big on privacy and security. → 

The privacy policy expressed here for Clusterizer and Totally Random --(Marketplace apps - official with Miro - find this policy officially posted on Miro Marketplace site (scroll down)) -- applies to this application.  My recommendation, for the sake of both speed to using the app and overall clarity of using these Refractive Miro Apps, would be that you ask your admins about their feelings on that policy - and if they’d like, I can officially add this app to that page and publish as such.  

Hi All, 

@Max Harper @Robert Johnson 

I’m wondering is this link still working..? 

Image Resizer


I have downloaded the chrome extension, and reopened Miro. Then clicked the extension but it seems to be a video recording application. 

What you have in this video is exactly what I need.

I am assuming its something I'm doing wrong.

Please help. 

Miro (not this Miro lol)     

Good Day,

Has anyone installed the image resizer for the board/team? 

It is working for me but my colleagues can’t access the app

Userlevel 7
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@Madina Canning - I have installed it and it is working for me.

my colleagues can’t access the app

Please provide more details.

Are they team members or accessing the board as a guest? (Guests cannot use custom apps because they cannot authorize them because they are not team members).

Is the Image Resizer app icon showing up in the left vertical toolbar, but they can’t click it or is not just not there?

If it is there, what happens when they click it? Do they get a prompt to Authorize it?

@Max Harper - I just installed Image Resizer for a team that I am on with Marina and Kiron. I then added one of my other Miro profiles and when that profile tries to authorize the app, when I click the below authorize button nothing happens (latest stable Firefox).

I just added you to the team if you want to try for yourself.


HI, does anyone have the link for this app? Really need it, Thank you in advance. 

Userlevel 7
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HI, does anyone have the link for this app? Really need it, Thank you in advance. 

As per Max:

/anyone else viewing this post: we can only share not-yet-on-the-Miro-marketplace apps via a direct message. Please DM me and I’ll send you the Miro Plugin install link.
Cheers :) max 

@Edgar Sithole - I sent you the install link in a private message.

I have got the link but it shows me “application not found”.. I am using Safari on a Mac, is there any way to get it work?

Hi there, I’m posting to also voice my interest in getting this as a feature that is native in Miro.  @Robert Johnson I’ve sent you a DM just now to see if I can also test out your app.  Very cool!

Userlevel 7
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This is such a great plugin! Any plans to turn it into a Miro Marketplace plugin, @Max Harper? Would love a link in DM if still available. 😊

Hi all, is anyone able to share the Miro resizer plugin? As I couldn't find it on the marketplace .. 

Thank you in advance 

@Max Harper I would love that Plugin as well, I have been looking all over the web for a good solution to my resizing problems. Thanks for solving them!

Userlevel 7
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@Robert Johnson Yeah, I interpreted Max’s comment as a Refractive policy. 🙂

Hi, can anyone share this plugin? Thanks

Hello, we were using the plugin quite extensively for some time, but it seems to be a bit broken since last update. (Using it pushes the left side bar further and further to the right) any chance for a fix?

@Luke Moorhead  I sent you an install link in private message for the Image Resizer. 

I’ll look into adding the discussed features when I get a moment. I’ll also change the icon. 


Cheers, Max

Hello Max, I’m in the exact situation than Luke and I would absolutely love to have this plugin as well. It would save me precious hours of reorganizing my reference page. Do you think it would be possible to send me the install link as well please? Thank you very much

@Max Harper I would love to try out your Miro image resizer. Can you send me a private link to use it? I appreciate your work on it. Thank you!

This is wonderful.  Thank you for the update.  I’ve spent some time trying to un-install the marketplace image resizer.  Does anyone know how to remove this from Miro now that it’s native elsewhere?


I’ve tried to locate it in my apps and integrations and uninstall, but it’s not listed.



Can’t find the context menu if I try to reduce the images. What do I wrong? 

Update: Sorry now I can see the context with the possibilities zu change the pics. 


Thanks very much...Marcel 
