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Recovering lost files after project ownership transfer

  • 19 June 2024
  • 2 replies


I urgently need assistance recovering files from a project after transferring ownership. I transferred the project to another email address (under my control) for centralization. After the transfer, files disappeared.

As a free user, I understand limitations in recovery options.

However, I request your help in exploring any methods to retrieve the missing files. These files are crucial for my work.




2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Mohamed El M - By “project” and “files” I will assume you are referring to Miro boards.

I transferred the project to another email address (under my control) for centralization. After the transfer, files disappeared.

It sounds like you transferred ownership of a board from one Miro account profile to another – something that can only be done when both user accounts are members of the same team space.

I would suggest that you check all of these points, but most specifically check #3 - that your dashboard is filtered to show all boards:


And, what happens when you sign into Miro as the user account/email address that you transferred ownership to?

And, if you have the board links still (e.g., from your browser history), what happens when you try to open the boards while signed in to both accounts?

@Robert Johnson  Thank you for your response! 

 I was able to find them in my history and recover them to the board 🙏🏻!
