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New features from Distributed 2021

  • 20 October 2021
  • 14 replies

I have not seen much on the new features (i.e, i missed the session and its not posted as a video). Is there an official or unofficial recap of the new features that have been teased? I signed up for Beta Access but don’t know what i might get! (at least in detail)



14 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi Rob! You can view the full keynote here:

Userlevel 7
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@RobOK - Most of the sessions will be posted on Miro’s YouTube channel once the conference is over.

What new features are available to you will depend on your plan type, sadly.

Here’s what I have kept track of:

Smart Diagramming

Smart Meetings


  • Similar to Clusterizer, I think.
  • I saw this briefly, but didn’t catch when/to which plans it is coming to.
  • If anyone has more info, please share!

Unlimited Guest Editors for Business and Consultant Plans

More grid options

  • Added dots background, with additional option to “snap to dots”
  • Help Center


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

… or what @Colleen Curtis said :wink:

Userlevel 6

Actually @Robert Johnson I think your answer is better! ha! 

Userlevel 7
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@Colleen Curtis :grin::hugging::pray:

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@Robert Johnson this is fantastic! I’m going to point people to this post :heart_eyes:

Userlevel 2

I like BOTH responses… the link to the keynote is great and the summary is the immediate answer!

What i can’t tell yet, is are Smart Meetings any new features in the platform, or is it just Templates set up for meetings?

Userlevel 2

It looks like you can set up meeting segements which lock in participants only to certain parts of the board. So its an agenda tool that links the agenda to frames in your board? That was what I took away from the meeting. Cool stuff. We don’t normally plan our meetings down to every 2 minute block (as seen in the video), but i get the concept.

Userlevel 7
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@RobOK - The best way I can describe Smart Meetings is that it let you specify one or more frames on your board that will be used for your meeting/session/workshop etc.

You can then drag and drop the order in which the frames will be presented/used in your meeting.

You can pre-define activities for the frames, e.g., voting or timer.

You can configure the meeting to do things like: limit the object types people can create during the meeting or lock them into which ever frame you are currently presenting during your meeting, so people are focused and not wandering off all over the board.

You “start” and “stop” the meeting - if you have chosen to lock people in place while the meeting is on, then when you end the meeting, they can move around freely again.

During the meeting, as you move to the next frame, everyone is automatically move there with you.

You can think of it kind of like a PowerPoint presentation, but on a Miro board with frames instead of slides, and with other people on the board with you.

or is it just Templates set up for meetings?

In the video, they were just showing you that you can take any frames/templates (e.g.., design sprint template on the Miroverse) and when you are creating your Smart Meeting, you can select one (or all) existing frames from the board and they will be added into your Smart Meeting “frames”.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

My use case for this feature is as follows:

  1. I have a board with lots of stuff all over it - some in frames, maybe no frames at all.
  2. I then need to pull my team together to troubleshoot a problem, so I add even just one frame around the stuff I want us to focus on and use the “add frame to meeting” action on the frame’s context menu, which automatically adds it as the only frame (because I had not previously created a meeting on this board) and opens the smart meetings panel.
  3. I then set the meeting so that they can only create sticky notes, stickers, and emojis AND that they can only see the frames that I am presenting.
  4. Because this is an impromptu session, I decide to throw a 15 minute timer on this one (and only) frame
  5. I send the board link to my team
  6. once they are on the board, I start the meeting which brings them all to me/the area of focus
Userlevel 7
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If Smart Meetings allow you to restrict where on a board folks are going, that’s great for the classes I teach as I can progressively move them from exercise to exercise without folks wandering off or getting lost…


Userlevel 2

@Robert Johnson Thanks for all this information! We are still “light” users of Miro so i don’t see us taking advantage of it, and beyond that, i just realized that this is not available for the Team plan so the point may be moot for me! Most of our people only use Miro once in a while, so perhaps they could be Guests under a Business Plan, I need to explore that.

Does anyone have the link to the top 10 tips in Miro that was shared during the conference?




Userlevel 6

Hi @Norrene Godfrey ! That course will be published to Youtube later this week, please subscribe here! 

