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My left toolbar keeps disappearing

  • 14 May 2024
  • 6 replies

Just this week, my left toolbar has kept disappearing. I’ve had this happen before - but refreshing the screen normally fixes the problem.


However this week, it just keeps disappearing. Just now I’ve been working on a board, and I clicked on the ‘T’ to get a text box and it disappeared, and I got no text box. I refreshed the screen, and the left toolbar reappeared, but as soon as I clicked the T it disappeared again. This happened another three times.  I can’t use the toolbar.  


What do I do? 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Kate McRae - Over the years of my activity in this forum, as soon as I hear that UI elements are disappearing, I will assume a browser is being used and a browser extension is the culprit.

That being said, I will ask:

  • What is your OS? Windows, mac?
  • Are you using a browser? If so, which one?
  • Have you tried
    • disabling all browser extensions?  An incognito/private browser window usually (but not always) accomplishes this.
    • another browser?
    • the Miro desktop app?
    • and if available,
      • another network?
      • another computer?

If none of these changes/tests result in identifying the cause of the issue, and if you have a paid Miro subscription, you can open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:

Yes it is a browser - I don’t like the app :) 

OS - Windows

Browser - in this instance, Microsoft Edge. 

Have I tried - disabling all extensions, no.

                   - another browser - can’t, restricted by work policy

                   - don’t like the app


I’ll open a support ticket :) 



I am missing the toolbar on the desktop app one two different devices, and it’s not for all boards but I seem unable to do anything other than move around and copy/paste links to boards. Is this a known bug with any known solutions? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Ashley Aune - There is no bug that I am aware, but that doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist under certain scenarios.

It should be noted, however, there are expected conditions under which your left toolbar would be limited, e.g., you are a guest or visitor on a board, a commentor - perhaps too many to list.

For your trouble boards, I would ask:

  1. Are you the owner of the board
  2. Is the board in a team you are a full member of?

I am the owner of the boards this is happening in, and it’s happening in my personal and work accounts (both of which I am a full member in). It’s only an issue for me on the desktop app, web seems to be working fine but I prefer the app. I know some of my colleagues who are full members have been having the same issue as well. Happy to open a ticket or send screenshots/recordings if needed!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Ashley Aune - Thanks for confirming those details.

First, have you tried resetting the app data? (Perhaps the issue was fixed in a new version and you need to “clear stuff out.)
