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If I pay to be a consultant, what do I lose?

  • 18 October 2020
  • 1 reply

I actually like to pay for the services that I use. It seems fair to me. So hanging out on the free version of Miro doesn’t sit great with me. It SEEMS like the thing to do would be pay the $15/month for a consultant account which would feel good to pay for what I’m currently getting for free, and would be good for me to have extra boards, templates, backups, etc.  All good.  BUT . . . 

It seems like if I do that, an important feature that I currently get for free would suddenly get VERY expensive. Right now when I run a workshop for a community, I set them up on a board, give them a set of tasks, they can all see each other, by name, moving around and interacting with the board. Then they can keep working with it on their own time as needed ongoing.  Perfect. My understanding is that if I go to the Consultant plan, my clients either can’t edit (maybe - not sure about this?) OR can’t see each other by name (this seems pretty clear).  OR I could pay 30 (community members) X $15 per month for as long as they want to access the board.

Is that right?  If so, my options are:

  1. Don’t pay for miro. Deal with the annoyances around not having templates and multiple boards and give my client great service. 
  2. Significantly increase what I charge my client to cover costs of Miro.
  3. Give my client worse service. 
  4. This is the one I’m most seriously considering - Switch to Mural.  

Can someone tell me if there is an option I’m not seeing?  I’m happy with the product, but don’t see a cost effective way to use it.  It totally baffles me that paying for a service would make it less useful. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Karen Gimnig - I was a long-time Free Plan user turned lonely Consultant Plan Company Admin and, honestly, I gained far mare than I have lost.

To clarify, if you were on a Consultant Plan, you will now have Guest Editor access which means you could share a board link with your clients (with password protection). If those users accessing the board have their own Miro account (even just a Free Plan) and they access the board with the link you shared from the browser/desktop app that they are signed into their Miro account, you will see they their name.

Your other concern of them continuing to work on the board? As long as you keep Anyone with the link → Can edit on, they will be able to access it. And a handy little shortcut for them to get back tot h board → if they "Star” it using the star icon that appears to the right of the board name, then, when they click on “Starred” from their Miro dashboard, the board will be there.

There are, however, a few things that Guest Editors can’t do - taken from the Collaboration with Anonymous Guest Editors help article:


However, most of these are similar to the experience of being a part of a Free Team.

And if you do need for someone to have all of the board features available, but only for a short period of time, the Consultant Plan has the Day Passes option which allows you to give someone access to either a whole team or just one specific board. You will be charged $3 for every 24 hour period that someone access a board, e.g., you only need them to have full user like access for 3 days of the month, then you would only be charged $9. However, if you are going to work with for more than five days, then it would make sense to pay $15 for the month for unlimited access.

Starring a board

While in the board, click on the star* icon:


Then you can access any starred board (from any team you are a member of) using the Starred link:

*the star icon won’t appear if they are on the board as an anonymous guest, e.g., incognito window.

Seeing as you 

To show you what the experience would be like, I will private message you a link to a board (along with the password).
