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I'm not a guest editor but cannot lock/unlock

  • 2 October 2020
  • 6 replies

Hi, I am using Miro with uni members and the board is distributed by our tutor who has a paid account. 

I am using the board with log in status (can see my name and it says just editor), and the mystery is that WHILE SOME STUDENTS USING THE SAME BOARD(whose accounts are free) CAN LOCK/LOCK, SOME STUDENTS CANNOT, including me!!!.

Not being able to lock/unlock while doing a group project is such a pain, so if you know anything about it, please let me know!!😭

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@karin - It sounds like you are experiencing two issues:

  1. your name does not appear by your cursor
  2. you cannot lock/unlock objects on the board.

Given that your tutor has

  • a paid (or Education) plan
  • enabled Anyone with the link → Can edit
  • shared the link with you and others.

Your name should appear as long as you are signed into a Miro account and using the shared link from that signed in session. Here’s something you can do, just to be sure you are meeting these conditions:

  1. Open the board
  2. You should see a Star icon to the right of the board name:

    NOTE: If you do NOT see this Star, then Miro is not recognizing you as a signed in user.

  3. Click/Star the board:

Now we have established that you are in fact signed in, with the added benefit that you can now get to this board again from your Miro dashboard’s Starred page (if you didn’t already know this):


What should show up when you’re accessing a board as a Guest Editor while signed into a Miro account?

From your Miro dashboard, click on your Team’s setting/gear icon:


And the Profile settings:


If you confirmed that you could Star the board and see it in your dashboard’ Starred page, have you also tried signing in to your Miro account from another browser to see if your name shows up when you access the board?


Not being able to Lock/Unlock objects

This is expected when accessing a board as a Guest Editor as per the Collaboration with Anonymous Guest Editors help article:


Thank you for your thorough reply!!

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my message;  I CAN see my name and it appears as an "Editor" not a "Guest editor"


But when it comes to lock/unlock, there is no option of it even though I am NOT a "Guest editor"


I can lock/unlock my own file though


That is the problem.…

Hope someone knows anything about it...!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

On the first screenshot, even though it shows karin and editor, you could still be accessing the board as a “guest”. You would be a “guest” the board exists in a team of which you are a not a member of and, for example, your tutor created the board and emailed you the link.


  1. I create a board in my paid plan
  2. I set Anyone with the link → Can edit
  3. I send the board link to you
  4. you open the board while signed into your account and you will see:


  1. but you will not be able to lock or unlock objects.

To you show you this in action, I have sent you a link to a board via private message.

In your second screenshot (the board Untitled), it looks like it is one that you created, so you are the Board owner and will always be able to lock/unlock objects, unless the objects are inside of a Grid.

My next question is: Exactly how to you get to the ITOMA Airport Karin Board? Do you login to your Miro account, select a team on the left side of your Miro dashboard, e.g., Tutor Team, where you can see a bunch of the boards in that team, or do you always have to click on Starred to get to it and can never see it in your All boards page?


Thank you for your quick reply!

No, I don't see any boards that my tutor shared in my "All boards" section, i have to either click the link that she shared or choose from "star" section.

I clicked the board that you shared to me, and right, I couldn't lock or unlock.

So, what should I do in that case??

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@karin - Thanks for confirming all of this. If you absolutely need the ability to lock/unlock objects on boards that belong to your tutor’s Miro team, then your tutor will need to add/invite you to be a member of that team which will charge your tutor for an additional paid seat on that team unless

  1. your tutor’s paid plan is in fact an Education Plan (which is free for students and educators); and
  2. your tutor has any free seats left on their plan.

Thank you for your reply! 

Yeah I have talked about this with my tutor and found out that it's university's setting that is causing this problem, and it seems like she didn't know about it until now either. Thank you for taking your time to answer my question!
