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How to link Miro cards between boards

Hello everyone

Does anyone know if its possible to link cards between Miro boards if the boards is in the same team and also if they are in different teams, but the users have access to both teams?


20 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe This is not possible today as far as I know. But it sounds like a great idea! Consider creating a Wish List idea if there isn't one already. 🙂

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe -

I just did a quick test using two test teams and two test boards and it works fine. I linked one card in one board to a different card in the other board and when I clicked on the link, it opened the second board with the focus on the linked to card.


Hello @Kiron Bondale 

Was thinking that every card should represent an assignment, so if someone create a card in another board and tagged one of my board members the card will automatically duplicate and pop up in our board. It would make the overview for assignments much better for my team.  :)

Userlevel 7
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@Kiron Bondale That's not really linking the cards, it's more linking to a card. 😉

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe - I believe you could partially accomplish this by using a Jira board and the Jira Cards app.  I say "partially" as I don't believe that syncing a new Miro Ctds with a Jira issue/card would be able to automatically create a Miro Card. 

Another--much more involved--option is to have someone custom build what you're looking for using Miro's REST API.

@Robert Johnson 

Thanks for the input, I think I will try look into Miro’s REST API and see if I can get a solution.

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe In addition to what @Robert Johnson  said, you could also embed Jira cards. That would create a two-way sync.

“Embed Jira issues to your boards as cards so that your team can easily discuss, prioritize, and problem solve together on one collaborative canvas in real-time just like on a physical whiteboard. Plus, changes are automatically pushed across both tools.”

@Henrik Ståhl  Some of the project managers already use Jira to show the assignments and prioritize them, but I think they make the cards manuel for their boards, so I just need a way to automatically duplicate the cards they make, because it will save us a lot of time 😊  

Userlevel 7
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@Henrik Ståhl - Unless you meant to include a different link, we are speaking of the same app: Jira Cards. 

@Kim Seieroe - Since you will have to continue to manually create Miro cards, there may be other efficiencies gained by using the Jira Cards app. With this app, all of the data remains in Jira but most of it will also be displayed in the Miro cards. If you update details from the Miro card, it updates in the Jira card and the other way around.

Userlevel 7
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@Henrik Ståhl - Unless you meant to include a different link, we are speaking of the same app: Jira Cards.

You're right, sorry about that. I blame my lack of sleep. 🤪

I meant to include this link as well:

But yeah, it says basically what @Robert Johnson  already explained. 

I have never tried adding the same card on multiple boards, but theoretically an update in one place should update the data in all places, right?


You have a Jira story on three separate boards, resulting in three different Miro cards all connected to the same Jira story. 

  • You update the card in board 1.
  • The Jira story will then be updated.
  • The cards in board 2 and 3 gets updated through the Jira story.

Have you ever tried this workflow Robert?


Userlevel 7
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@Henrik Ståhl 

Have you ever tried this workflow Robert?

Just tried it now and it works very well - there is even a listener event, so any synced Miro cards update in near real-time:


I then opened a another Miro board with the same linked & synced Jira issue and it was updated too.

The Miro experience was better than the Jira one as when I updated the Jira issue via the synced Miro card, the title of the Jira issue did not update in real-time.

Userlevel 7
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@Robert Johnson Nice, thanks for checking out out!

@Kim Seieroe Would this workflow solve your problem? 🙂

@Robert Johnson @Henrik Ståhl 

It seems smart enough but don’t think it will solve my problem.

Look at it as this way: Project manager create a Jira ticket and creates a card in their board, which get assigned to someone in my team.

My task is to find a way duplicate that card, so it automatically gets into our board, when the projects managers create the card. So I’m not creating the Jira tickets.

I don’t know if it makes sense?


Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe It makes sense. You basically want a new story in a specific Jira board or project to trigger the creation of a card in a specific Miro board. Doesn't seem to be possible with the current Jira integrations. 

A workaround would be to embed the board in the story in Jira, and then create the card in Miro through that embed. That would allow the project managers to do it without switching between Jira and Miro, but it would still require manual labor.

Maybe looking into the API and see if it's possible to extend the functionality through a plugin is the best alternative after all… 😄

Thank you guys, I will try look into API and see if I can find a solution 😊Thank you guys, I will try look into API and see if I can find a solution 😊

Userlevel 7
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You may be able to use the Jira + zapier integration to create a new entry in a Google Sheet when a new Jira issue is added, and then the Miro + zapier integration to create a new card from that Google Sheet row. However, this still wouldn’t let you select different destination Miro boards.

I think you will end up needing to use Jira’s API to create an app, e.g., a button in each Jira issue that loads a list of pre-configured Miro boards (or even a board selector) and then Miro’s REST API would be used to create the Card on the board.

Userlevel 7
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@Robert Johnson Uuh, Jira’s API. Can't say I'm jealous… 😰

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe 

With the Jira plugin for Miro you can open the plugin in your team’s board and then use the ‘advanced search’ to pull up all new tickets/issues (+other logic), and then press ‘add’ and they will just import as issue Cards onto your board. You wouldn’t need to add those cards manually.  

There’s also an option to “Hide previously imported”...

Your PM colleague would need to create the cards on the other end using Jira plugin as well. When they do the associated ticket will be created in Jira and will then be available to you. 

You can see a snapshot of that import action on this video at 13:35

Thanks for input @Max Harper 

I will try look more into it, otherwise I must try to do something myself.

It should be possible to do what I want, because every team members account are linked to their email, so I just need to figure out ​how I can link between boards with their email. I actually don’t need to focus on Jira, if I can link the assignments from the team members email.

Userlevel 7
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@Kim Seieroe  Sounds interesting!  Please come back to this thread if and when you have updates on progress.  We’d all love to know what you come up with. :) 
