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Harvey ball as icon/wireframe

  • 9 March 2022
  • 4 replies

I think it would be useful to have the possibility to add Harvey Balls on cards/post-it etc.

I was thinking something like an icon or wireframe. 


Apart from copy-paste the H-Ball as picture, I have not found any other way bringing them in MIRO-boards. I hope that I did not miss an already existing alternative... :flushed:

What do you think?


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Georgios Stathis -

I took a quick look in Iconfinder and couldn’t locate quarter or three-quarter filled balls. The easiest workaround would be to create a Miro template with uploaded images of those and then apply the template to any board where you’d like to use them.


I was looking for this capability today. I was hoping it was in Emojis/Stickies as something to easily drag over onto a list I had (marking how well we do certain activities). Emojis/stickies are often easier to use than pictures, which sometimes take longer to load

But - I did find some in IconFinder, after searching for the word “pie”. No ¾ though, but good enough for the exercise I was doing at least!


EDIT: Scrolling down a bit, I found a ¾ one!




It would be great to have a set of Harvey balls as shapes (rather than icons) so we could easily change the color.

I use them a lot for comparative research / assessments. 

Seems like an easy one to build.

This might be a good option if you use Harvey Balls frequently. You can find Harvey Ball images online (a quick search for "free Harvey Ball clipart" should turn up some results). Upload the images you want to Miro and create a template with them. Then, whenever you need a Harvey Ball, you can just apply that template to a new board.


geometry dash lite
