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Guests (visitors) with link invitation can't edit the board anymore - how am I supposed to run an interactive workshop

Recently workshop participants that i’ve invited via link are not able to edit the board anymore - just comments are possible. Is this a bug? How am I suppossed to run workshops with bigger groups?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Kati Krohn -

I’m assuming you have shared the board with full edit access mode?

Are you on an Enterprise plan as it is possible your Enterprise admin restricted the ability to share boards publicly for full edit access (see ?


Badge +1

yes, i’ve shared it with full edit access but it changed - the “edit”-option is no longer available.

Pretty sure that the admin didn’t do anything. As I’m still able to choose  “no exit”, “view” and “comment” when I’m sharing the link it is just about the “edit” option. Any other ideas? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

“Pretty sure that the admin didn’t do anything”

I’m certain they have, as it’s an admin control that changes it. It may have been done inadvertantly, but check in with them and make sure.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

As the link from Kiron shows (and Paul mentions), the edit option can be removed by an Admin – a Team Admin can remove the option at the individual team level, but only if the Company Admin hasn’t disabled at the Company level, so you may need to involve both admins.

With the following setting at the team level:


I get:


And with this setting:


I get:


Badge +1

Alright, I’ll double check with them. As they said, that they haven’t changed anything - could you please tell me where to find the admin settings. Thanks a lot!


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Alright, I’ll double check with them. As they said, that they haven’t changed anything - could you please tell me where to find the admin settings. Thanks a lot!


@Kati Krohn - The details are in the link shared in Kiron’s reply:
