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Hi Guys - i think I know the answer to this as have been living in Miro for the last 14 months. Running a large workshop next week so wanted to be certain - can non registered participants on a board use the drawing tool?

@Don McIntyre - Yes :blush:

@Don McIntyre - Okay, I need to add more.

As a refresher--and for any readers who didn’t know--here’s a list of what your anonymous/unr-registered guests will not be able to do as per the Collaboration with Guest Editors Help Center article:

Try it out first

One suggestion I have to better understand what the experience will be like for your un-registered Miro participants will be like, is to open up a private/incognito browser window and open the board from there.

For example, do that now and open this board that I have set to Anyone with the link → Can edit.

Open the board, press P, and draw!

Making it better

If you would like to see this experience be improved, please add your comments/vote to this Wish List idea:

this is brilliant, many thanks Robert!