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[Bug] Miro board loading endlessly on multiple browsers and devices

  • 17 September 2023
  • 2 replies

I have been documenting in a Miro board for my research. I made a frame to some of the pictures & texts in the board and duplicated the frame. Suddenly a prompt showed up saying “syncing…please wait”. I waited for a few minutes until the prompt asked me to reload. I clicked on the reload button and the board started to load endlessly. I tried opening the board in multiple browsers and modes (including incognito), as well as in the Miro app on my iPad. None of these worked. I have shared the board to the Miro Support Team. Could you please resolve this issue?

2 replies

The issue has been resolved… I did nothing to fix it but waiting for a couple of hours. I guess the server was overloaded by the duplication action and needed some time to respond.

The problem has been solved. I did nothing but wait for a few of hours to solve it. doodle jump
