Boards are very laggy and slow on desktop app and web app

  • 22 February 2023
  • 51 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi, I noticed during the last one week all my boards are very laggy and slow. It takes up to 5-6 seconds for the board to respond to an interaction. This is incredibly annoying and looking at the history of this issue - it appears it is quite a common problem. Please would you look into this and resolving it once and for all?

51 replies

Userlevel 1

I’m going to be straight with you here. This is not good enough for a payed product, and I will begin my research and advice my team on better solutions elsewhere.

It must not take 1 second to select or move an object, or update a text field. And this issue must absolutely not stretch on for days.
Yes, I’ve cleared my cache in chrome, and I’ve tried using Firefox, and on several different high speed connections in different places.

I can’t stress this enough: Stop putting this on your users. Fix your payed product if you value having your users around.

EDIT: And just to stop the default before it gets going. Even though I’m not your QA, I tested the desktop app, showing the exact same issues. On a, tested just now, 334 Mbps download and 69p Mbps upload speed. I have a direct line of sight to my router 4 meters away. No, it’s my connection.

I have to chime in on this.  I have been a ginormous proponent of Miro, but its getting laggier and laggier to use on smaller and smaller boards.  I’m close to going back to other apps because the lag in creating, editing and moving objects is just too much.

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

Special thanks to Dmitriy and Nikolay for jumping on a call with one of our engineers to help troubleshoot the issues you are all experiencing.
It confirmed that the fixes we made on August 15th were definitely not enough to resolve all laggy situations. We have a team of 4 engineers currently dedicated on improving the situation further and I will keep you updated here.



I am getting pretty disappointed now with the slow and laggy response with my Miro boards. This is particularly frustrating when leading a meeting - everyone has to wait while I refresh the board just so we can get a sticky note loaded.

What has happened Miro? This issue has only just started happening recently and I have been using Miro since the start. I am serious considering transferring to a competitor platform if this does not get resolved soon. Specifically our issue is: frequently when selecting any item from the LHS screen toolbar (stickies, text, shapes etc) they don't appear on the board. We have to refresh the browser for it to work.

Please get this resolved. Thanks.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

As a long time user of RealTimeBoard and Miro, I consider myself a Power User, I also have found the performance of late to be suffering. Specifically the Desktop App is always disconnecting and is suffers from speed lag.

Userlevel 1

@Mettin “we wish we could to make it more performant for every type of use case”

Please stop this. It has been working fine up until at least a couple of weeks ago, and then I come back after vacation to an unusable work flow. There is no “my type of case”, unless Chrome users, Firefox users, desktop app users and fast internet speed is outside of your scope.
Obvioulsy you rolled out an update that wasn’t thoroughly tested. Is it the AI thing?

Anyway, no need for me to lose more time on this. I’m testing Figma and XD as we speak. Things will be panning out fine for me whether I find a more stable product or you fix the issues on your end before that.

Userlevel 1

@Lucie A True. And indeed we are all people. And I would have been perfectly happy with leaving it without my last remark, while I figure out what I want for me going forward. But waving me off as just a another “type of user”, and that they wish they could make it work for everybody, will lead me to inform my position and next steps. I’m sorry that my stern tone offended, but I take it pretty seriously.

I’m not going to start a debate on what is fast enough for you, or debate other products. These forums are not for that. It was merely a statement of how seriously I take the speed of my workflow, and the current state has lead me to take such actions. Take that as you will. Either way, I didn’t find that I have to wait around for a server response for each mouse click elsewhere.

I also don’t like this position of keyboard warrior, so I will end this here for my part. Information has been shared. I won’t be hanging around here further.

It is also very slow for me - significant slow down for the last 2 weeks (it was working fine before).

Even for editing a text object I need to wait a few seconds.

I am using miro app on Windows 11. 

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

I am Boris, product manager for performance at Miro.

As suspected by many of you in this thread, early August we released a feature that unintentionally degraded the performance of working on the board. Certain interactions could suffer from latency that is unacceptable (especially on larger boards).

On August 15 we released a fix for this.

Unfortunately, this community post had missed our attention, and I regret this.
Your input is valuable in helping us troubleshoot the issue. And I will do my best to catch these community posts sooner going forward.


Userlevel 1

Hi @J.R. , thanks for coming online.
We are currently tackling an incident:

What you experience today, is not a reflection of our current state of Miro, but an unfortunate event.

Userlevel 1


Userlevel 3

Agreed. Especially single or double clicking on text boxes, and then editing. Lately there’s noticeable lag on all of those fronts


I only can confirm the decrease of performance in miro over the last months. I have to reload several time after a while to get back a little bit better performance.

I depends on how much images are in a board as well as on the internet connection.

I hope this can be improved soon because it really has impact on my work performance.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey @YOO ,

While it makes sense that ANY internet-dependant application becomes slower when your internet connection is slower, it doesnt make it any less annoying!

Miro is quite smart with (not) loading data that’s outside of the viewport. So you could use that to your advantage by having some more space in between your images, if your use-case allows for it. Less items in view = less items downloaded = more speed =)



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Thanks @Martin Malmer , you are completely right. 

We have teams dedicated to improving performance but I hope you can appreciate that the Miro application is huge and complex and although we wish we could to make it more performant for every type of use case, this is a much more in-depth process. 

I understand your frustration and we are actively working on improving this issue for you and all our users.


Userlevel 1

Im also struggling with performance issues for a week a so

And since Ive been using Miro on daily basis -- that really hurt my performance

And the whole reason behind is that Miro is just bloated with unnecessary features and deviate from its initial idea -- which was a BOARD for ideas to work with

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Agreed. Especially single or double clicking on text boxes, and then editing. Lately there’s noticeable lag on all of those fronts

Confirmed with my workflow too @Mettin Text Boxes seems to cause instant Lag when I start the Command to Add or Edit.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey @Silviya Lardner ,

Sorry to hear the performance of your boards isn’t up to par. 5-6 seconds for any interaction sounds awful. Is this a developer platform issue? Or just a issue?

Could you test if this problem persist when:

  1. You restart your machine
  2. Open just a web browser and start a new miro board ( 
  3. Add 1 item to that board

This way, we can determine more precisely where the problem lies.

Also: what browser/OS are you using?

Kind regards,

Mettin Parzinski

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey everyone,

I’m super excited to share the latest wins that our performance team has made. Interacting with Miro is faster! On the most common laptop, interacting with Miro has gone from noticeably slow, to seamless.

  • Creating a new widget is now completed within 0.2 seconds
  • Selecting widgets is now seamless (0.05 seconds)
  • Editing a widget no longer requires you to wait (0.2 seconds)

These changes are already released and should be available to all of you. I hope you are noticing the immense performance boost in your day-to-day work!

If you are still experiencing unacceptable lag, please let @Boris Libeert (our product manager for board performance) know. He would love to jump into a call with you to figure out what’s happening in your case. Such calls have led us onto great ideas in the past.


I’m going to be straight with you here. This is not good enough for a payed product, and I will begin my research and advice my team on better solutions elsewhere.

It must not take 1 second to select or move an object, or update a text field. And this issue must absolutely not stretch on for days.
Yes, I’ve cleared my cache in chrome, and I’ve tried using Firefox, and on several different high speed connections in different places.

I can’t stress this enough: Stop putting this on your users. Fix your payed product if you value having your users around.

EDIT: And just to stop the default before it gets going. Even though I’m not your QA, I tested the desktop app, showing the exact same issues. On a, tested just now, 334 Mbps download and 69p Mbps upload speed. I have a direct line of sight to my router 4 meters away. No, it’s my connection.

100% agree.

I too have gone above and beyond to ensure EVERYTHING my end as a user is absolutely guiltless in the terribly laggy paid-for product experience I’ve had for several months on end. 

My own post ‘A sloth has taken over my Miro board’ details the inadequate experiences we’ve been having and the long laundry list of remedial actions we’ve taken (to no avail). Interestingly, only those also having the same ongoing issues have reached out in reply.

The sole reason I haven’t already stopped using Miro and cancelled our business’ subscription is because it contains critical work my colleagues and I need for many clients of ours with projects in-flight.

We use other tools, such as Figma, and even Power BI connected to monstrous datasets, and these are functioning without issue. The problem is solely with Miro boards.

Hi there.  Have posted elsewhere on this - now joining this thread. My team has been having troubles for the last week and a half.  Today seems a bit better - but that might be because it is Sunday night in the US, so there aren’t as many users on it.  

Yes, it slowed down when I duplicated them. I duplicated some of the elements from the 6k board onto the 1k board just for experimentation, and the shapes on the 1k board started to lag too. On the 1k board, there were only 300 shapes in total. However, they began to slow down.

And only the shapes are slowed down. I started using cards and sticky notes, everything is ok with them

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Seems normal that if you copy/paste 5k elements its a bit laggy initially.

But that should be placed in memory and become more performant later on. Ill pass along this scenario to the performance team. Thanks @A G !


I can only second, that Miro is very laggy lately - especially when selecting and editing items/shapes/textfields, like everyone above wrote - I work with large boards for Workshops, and I think my preparation time now has increased by at least 10-15% for all my workshops, because I cannot work fluently anymore.

This delay is really hard to sell/explain to clients, please look into it.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

@A G Are you able to share (duplicates?) of the boards by any chance?
