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Hi, I noticed during the last one week all my boards are very laggy and slow. It takes up to 5-6 seconds for the board to respond to an interaction. This is incredibly annoying and looking at the history of this issue - it appears it is quite a common problem. Please would you look into this and resolving it once and for all?

Im also struggling with performance issues for a week a so

And since Ive been using Miro on daily basis -- that really hurt my performance

And the whole reason behind is that Miro is just bloated with unnecessary features and deviate from its initial idea -- which was a BOARD for ideas to work with

It is also very slow for me - significant slow down for the last 2 weeks (it was working fine before).

Even for editing a text object I need to wait a few seconds.

I am using miro app on Windows 11. 

Welcome back from vacation! Miro is working, but unusable if you want to type important stuff from your head here and there. I’m back to PureRef for now, quantum instant speed with 0 delay. 

Agreed. Especially single or double clicking on text boxes, and then editing. Lately there’s noticeable lag on all of those fronts

Confirmed with my workflow too @Mettin Text Boxes seems to cause instant Lag when I start the Command to Add or Edit.

There is a systemic issue happening on the Miro app in my opinion. So much lagginess and delay, every action is click, wait, edit,’s so painful and has been like this for a couple of weeks now. 

Can someone at Miro confirm there is some kind of major fix coming? We love Miro when it works but we can’t continue like this. 

Agree with all of the above - the lag is getting to the point of deal breaker for us. I’m an admin for >30 users and we’re going to have to start looking at alternatives.

One of the appealing things right out of the blocks was how agile and responsive Miro felt in the early days. That appears to have gone. It’s a real pity.


Hey @Martin Malmer, your tone is coming across needlessly harsh for this community.

Especially putting quotes from @Mettin’s response and then adding disparaging remarks. it simply isn’t the way to go about resolving issues or make people want to listen to what you have to say.

Product teams are real human beings doing their damndest to bring their customers what they need with the resources they have available. Things break, and they will get fixed according to priority and resources. You will find things are no different with Figma and XD 🤷🏻‍♀️

Editing text etc. still works fine, it’s just more laggy than usual. Not perfect, but also not a burning house. So time to turn the fire alarms off.

I think it is a matter of opinion @Lucie A but my latest UX with Text Boxes is terrible. Waiting 2 up to 5 seconds between User Input and Miro Output is a far cry from my previous experience. I do think a User Bulletin could be issued to your Core Customers explaining the impact to performance so we can at least convey this to our own internal Users so they don’t freak out. I have to be candid, it is already difficult enough to onboard laggards and with the performance issues it gives them a reason to dismiss using Miro all together… which makes me sad because I come from the days of Realtime Board so I know what a game changer this Tool can be.

I want to emphasize I continue to support Miro and your Team and don’t want to sound like I am threatening to leave or explore new software.

Hey @Martin Malmer, your tone is coming across needlessly harsh for this community.

Especially putting quotes from @Mettin’s response and then adding disparaging remarks. it simply isn’t the way to go about resolving issues or make people want to listen to what you have to say.

Product teams are real human beings doing their damndest to bring their customers what they need with the resources they have available. Things break, and they will get fixed according to priority and resources. You will find things are no different with Figma and XD 🤷🏻‍♀️

Editing text etc. still works fine, it’s just more laggy than usual. Not perfect, but also not a burning house. So time to turn the fire alarms off.

I think it is a matter of opinion @Lucie A but my latest UX with Text Boxes is terrible. Waiting 2 up to 5 seconds between User Input and Miro Output is a far cry from my previous experience. I do think a User Bulletin could be issued to your Core Customers explaining the impact to performance so we can at least convey this to our own internal Users so they don’t freak out. I have to be candid, it is already difficult enough to onboard laggards and with the performance issues it gives them a reason to dismiss using Miro all together… which makes me sad because I come from the days of Realtime Board so I know what a game changer this Tool can be.

I want to emphasize I continue to support Miro and your Team and don’t want to sound like I am threatening to leave or explore new software.

Hey @Brandon Lee , yeah I can't deny it's been getting more and more laggy (and frustrating!) as time has gone by. And I'm predominantly a solo user, so I can imagine it's 10x more frustrating in your position having to navigate the lag with others. You have my condolences! 😅

I’m going to be straight with you here. This is not good enough for a payed product, and I will begin my research and advice my team on better solutions elsewhere.

It must not take 1 second to select or move an object, or update a text field. And this issue must absolutely not stretch on for days.
Yes, I’ve cleared my cache in chrome, and I’ve tried using Firefox, and on several different high speed connections in different places.

I can’t stress this enough: Stop putting this on your users. Fix your payed product if you value having your users around.

EDIT: And just to stop the default before it gets going. Even though I’m not your QA, I tested the desktop app, showing the exact same issues. On a, tested just now, 334 Mbps download and 69p Mbps upload speed. I have a direct line of sight to my router 4 meters away. No, it’s my connection.

100% agree.

I too have gone above and beyond to ensure EVERYTHING my end as a user is absolutely guiltless in the terribly laggy paid-for product experience I’ve had for several months on end. 

My own post ‘A sloth has taken over my Miro board’ details the inadequate experiences we’ve been having and the long laundry list of remedial actions we’ve taken (to no avail). Interestingly, only those also having the same ongoing issues have reached out in reply.

The sole reason I haven’t already stopped using Miro and cancelled our business’ subscription is because it contains critical work my colleagues and I need for many clients of ours with projects in-flight.

We use other tools, such as Figma, and even Power BI connected to monstrous datasets, and these are functioning without issue. The problem is solely with Miro boards.

Is the ongoing issue receiving attention from the Miro team?

I too am encountering the same problems as other users who have described significant lags and delays when editing boards that were not present before. This issue started to occur just a few weeks ago, and despite following the standard troubleshooting steps, I have not seen any improvements. 

I am experiencing similar problems, at first thought it was my internet. Rather than lagging I have freezes (3 to 10 seconds).
I deal mostly with basic shapes with text inside, the boards are usually light, sometimes very light (only text and objects, no pdf, no images...) I share the board with only one person and I use a call outside of Miro (phone call or WhatsApp). But same symptoms appears when I prepare the board without anybody else invited.
My workflow has become :
Quadruple (to be sure) clicking in a shape /*start of the freeze/ writing a sentence + wait some time (trying to move around and click outside helplessly) /end of the freeze*/ => what I was writing appears magically, hopefully there’s no typo because if so I need to start again the whole thing. It takes from 4 to 10 seconds, which is awfully long. I use to be able to do 3 times what I now do on Miro.
The sad part is that I am supper happy I realized I can write while the thing is freezing (and maybe this detail can help the dev team)

Part of my workflow also became saying to my clients:
“Hmmm, I am really sorry but I cannot see right now what you wrote, I should be able to see it in a few seconds, Miro is a bit slow lately”

While I type during the freeze my client cannot see what I type, it appears at the same time for them and for me.

This is so painful…
I am/was a big advocate of Miro.
I really appreciated on a few occasions my contact with the team and the problem solving but this is a big problem and the  “cache and internet talks” feels a bit like user blaming while the problem is elsewhere.
It is more than a lag, it has become difficult to work and by itself make meetings stressful (when we deal with clients it is our image that suffers from the ,sadly now, poor quality of the tool we use). It is indeed now a deal breaker.
I know there are several Miro clones (which allow for board importing) and I would like to support Miro as much as possible (it being “the original”) but I just don’t know for how long I can endure this...

Hi there.  Have posted elsewhere on this - now joining this thread. My team has been having troubles for the last week and a half.  Today seems a bit better - but that might be because it is Sunday night in the US, so there aren’t as many users on it.  

Hi there.  Have posted elsewhere on this - now joining this thread. My team has been having troubles for the last week and a half.  Today seems a bit better - but that might be because it is Sunday night in the US, so there aren’t as many users on it.  


Today (Statutory Holiday across Canada) I noticed a slight improvement too.

Tolerable 1 second lag when starting Text or Shape Command.

However, committing the Text or Shape takes at least 3 seconds to exit.

Going back to edit takes up to 2 seconds to enter the Command and at least 3 seconds to exit.

No delay moving Text or Shape that have been added to the Board.

Posted here last week or the week before. Still having awful issues on the desktop app. Have tried browser and it’s occasionally mildly better but lagginess remains. Seems strange to me that this Miro community exists but beyond some early responses along the lines of ‘clear your cache’ etc, there is no good response from anyone at Miro. 

I’ve really liked this platform since we jumped across from Mural 3 years ago but getting ready to leap again unless this seemingly systemic issue can be fixed.

Is anyone there? ​​​​​​

Here as well, even with rather small boards. I am using the desktop app and it takes sometimes 2-4 seconds to copy a shape.

Very annoying :(

Is this something the Miro team can confirm? Do you see any performance issues right now?

I wonder if the Miro Developers are doing something in the Background because I am noticing a distinct improvement today.

There is still lag starting and exiting Shapes and Text Object but there is no delay moving them around the Board.

Also, big improvement Panning and Zooming around the Board.

I wonder if the Miro Developers are doing something in the Background because I am noticing a distinct improvement today.

There is still lag starting and exiting Shapes and Text Object but there is no delay moving them around the Board.

Also, big improvement Panning and Zooming around the Board.

Huge Improvements to the performance… the only issue I continue to notice is committing a Text Box there is a negligible amount of lag Clicking Outside of the Text Box and the Miro Command Exiting. The lag is acceptable in my opinion.

Hi everyone,

I am Boris, product manager for performance at Miro.

As suspected by many of you in this thread, early August we released a feature that unintentionally degraded the performance of working on the board. Certain interactions could suffer from latency that is unacceptable (especially on larger boards).

On August 15 we released a fix for this.

Unfortunately, this community post had missed our attention, and I regret this.
Your input is valuable in helping us troubleshoot the issue. And I will do my best to catch these community posts sooner going forward.


I have the latest Miro update installed.
There is still a delay when entering/exiting text editing mode in shapes and sticky notes. Even in a new file:

It feels like 1s for shapes and 0.5s for sticky sheets.

In the process of drawing flow, such switches happen all the time, and it slows down both the drawing process and the thinking process a lot


Please fix this

@Boris Libeert

Yea the workflow become slightly faster but generally nothing have changed

Boards are still laggy af, especially text input in shapes

Can you do as much as give us latest stable version?

Or maybe testing your own updates with latest incredible features, like moving color menu to the left of pop-up board, which is purely a UI crime if you ask me

I can only second, that Miro is very laggy lately - especially when selecting and editing items/shapes/textfields, like everyone above wrote - I work with large boards for Workshops, and I think my preparation time now has increased by at least 10-15% for all my workshops, because I cannot work fluently anymore.

This delay is really hard to sell/explain to clients, please look into it.


Hi everyone,

Special thanks to Dmitriy and Nikolay for jumping on a call with one of our engineers to help troubleshoot the issues you are all experiencing.
It confirmed that the fixes we made on August 15th were definitely not enough to resolve all laggy situations. We have a team of 4 engineers currently dedicated on improving the situation further and I will keep you updated here.


Hey everyone,

I’m super excited to share the latest wins that our performance team has made. Interacting with Miro is faster! On the most common laptop, interacting with Miro has gone from noticeably slow, to seamless.

  • Creating a new widget is now completed within 0.2 seconds
  • Selecting widgets is now seamless (0.05 seconds)
  • Editing a widget no longer requires you to wait (0.2 seconds)

These changes are already released and should be available to all of you. I hope you are noticing the immense performance boost in your day-to-day work!

If you are still experiencing unacceptable lag, please let @Boris Libeert (our product manager for board performance) know. He would love to jump into a call with you to figure out what’s happening in your case. Such calls have led us onto great ideas in the past.


Seeing this today. Very slow to open. Link to login here to report the issue is broken/not loading.

Hi @J.R. , thanks for coming online.
We are currently tackling an incident:

What you experience today, is not a reflection of our current state of Miro, but an unfortunate event.
