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2FA Essential

  • 3 July 2024
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Hello Miro Community,

I'm writing to address a critical security issue affecting many Miro users: the limited availability of two-factor authentication (2FA) across Miro's plans.

A recent community post revealed that a user on a "starter" plan was unexpectedly prompted for 2FA. This incident proves a crucial point: Miro has the technical capability to offer 2FA to non-enterprise users, likely via a simple backend toggle.

Given this evidence, it's time for Miro to make 2FA universally available. Here's why:

  1. Technical Feasibility: Miro can clearly enable 2FA for non-enterprise accounts with minimal effort.
  2. Essential Security: 2FA is a critical feature for protecting sensitive business information, which Miro often handles.
  3. Competitive Disadvantage: Miro's stance on 2FA is falling behind industry standards:
    • Figma's FigJam: 2FA included for $5/month total
    •'s Work Canvas: 2FA at $10/user/month (3 user minimum - so $30/month total)
    • Miro Enterprise: 2FA only available at 30+ user minimum (guessing $20/user/month based on Business plan pricing, if not more - so $600/month total)
  4. User Expectations: In today's security-conscious world, users increasingly view 2FA as a basic necessity, not a premium feature.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Restricting a vital security feature to high-tier plans prioritizes profit over user protection.
  6. Potential Liability: In the event of a security breach, Miro's decision to withhold 2FA from lower-tier plans could be viewed unfavorably.

Call to Action for Miro:

  1. Implement universal 2FA access across all plan tiers immediately.
  2. Provide a clear timeline for this implementation if it can't be done right away.
  3. Offer transparent communication about the decision-making process behind 2FA availability.

Questions for the Miro team:

  • What specific technical or business challenges prevent offering 2FA universally?
  • Are there plans to expand 2FA availability in the near future? If so, what's the timeline?
  • How does Miro justify the security disparity between enterprise and non-enterprise users?

To fellow community members:

  • How crucial is 2FA in your decision to use or recommend a digital whiteboard platform?
  • Have you experienced any security concerns due to the lack of 2FA on your Miro plan?
  • Would you be willing to pay a small fee for 2FA if Miro offered it as an add-on to lower-tier plans?

Let's collectively push for this critical security enhancement. Miro's response to this issue will significantly impact user trust and platform security.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to a productive discussion and, hopefully, positive action from Miro.

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