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🚀 New Templates in Miroverse - February 2023

  • 6 February 2023
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Last month we welcomed over 70 new templates in Miroverse! Including these new templates that’ll help you plan and track your goals, career development, and ongoing project work:

  • Nexio ProjectsSustainability Goal-Setting Workshop provides a brainstorming space to define goals from scratch or review existing ones and ensure they fulfill the requirements of S.M.A.R.T. goals.
  • Jennifer Matos from Upwork shares their Career Workspace with tools and methods to plan out your professional development ranging from the micro level (like weekly check-ins with your manager and mid-year reviews) to the macro level (looking 3–5 years ahead).  
  • Remo Gerisch’s Identify and Address Challenges Early On template introduces Mosquito Swarm as a method for early detection of problems and challenges in project work.

With more published every day you can discover 1,000s of ready-to-go, customizable templates dreamed and designed by Miro users for real projects and problems in Miroverse. Let us know what caught your eye this month in the thread below 👇



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