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We just released Grids to Miro users and are actively looking for feedback. If you have this feature, tried it and feel like sharing your thoughts with us, don’t hesitate to let us know! 

Is it live today? I got a notice in my board that I could use it but when i try to drop it into my board, it doesn't appear. 

Hi Lena,

it’s so cool - so good.

Noticed one thing:

Add a grid with 5x6 or so cells

Add in one cell an arrow:

Move the grid … arrow doesn’t move …

And an additonal wish:

Make Mindmaps elements move into the gridsections, too.

This would be great.

I am so fascinated about this new tool.

Great work!!!

Initial size is clunky. Should be able to drag out a grid the size I want. 


Would like to be able to tie grid to other drawing objects so I can put toggles in grid and (other places) with information and then turn the toggles on/off to show/hide parts of drawings/presentations so that I can lead collaborators through options and thought processes.

Hi Karl – you can choose how many rows and columns you want your Grid to have. Is there something else you’re looking for in terms of pre-defining the Grid size?

Your second feature request is noted, thanks! 

Ran into a problem where the person I was collaborating with created a grid, he appears to be able to edit any of the grid cells, but I can’t seem to be able to select or edit a cell.

Hey @DanielS – please, share, link to the board & board backup file to with me via direct messages here, if you’re still experiencing this issue, and we’ll look into this!

Hi Lena, I’ve found that it was only a problem when using Miro via Chrome browser. When using the Miro app, I didn’t experience the same problem. I’ve been using the Miro app ever since.
If you still want a link for the Chrome issue, then happy to forward through a link?

@DanielS yes, please, do :slight_smile:

@Erika Biggs - 

you should be able to delete rows and columns by clicking on the “...” button which appears above or to the left of the column or row, which will select the column or row (see the darker grey selected column below) and then selecting the trash can.

@Anna Nowak - double-clicking with the arrow cursor (not the hand) in a cell should enable you to edit the contents.


@Anna Nowak -

That is really odd - I just tried it again with a new grid and it worked fine.

What is interesting is you also have two additional icons in your Grid toolbar than I do to the left of the lock icon: 

What is that first one?

It looks like you are using Google Chrome which is also my browser - is it on a PC or a Mac?


@Kiron Bondale - the first one is to “duplicate”.  And yes, i’m also using Chrome and on PC.  Are you aware of any company/cybersec specific restrictions that would impact this level of functionality or else, whaver version our company has access to?

@Anna Nowak -

Nothing that I’m aware of but this is sounding more and more like a Miro support question. What happens when you just single click on a cell - does it at least select that, or does it still select the entire grid?


I wish I could lock rows and columns (especially top row and left-most column) to make scrolling possible while having a constantly viewable column or row names.

I’m unable to create a grid on Windows.  I’ve tried it both on the desktop app and the browser.  I’m able to select the grid size (rows and columns), but when clicking on the board, nothing is added.  My pointer changes to the grid icon.

This is where you need to pick the spot on the board and click on it – a new Grid will be added. You can watch this GIF to get a better idea. 

We just released Grids to Miro users and are actively looking for feedback. If you have this feature, tried it and feel like sharing your thoughts with us, don’t hesitate to let us know! 

If a frame is in mode “freedom” and we latter on put it on “grid” it destroys all the work you did on it. And the worst part is THAT YOU CAN'T UNDO THIS ACTION!!! This situation ruined our Sprint dynamic several times!! 
Please, tell me this is a bug and that it is fixable.
It is a shame since the software is awesome, almost perfect (except for this annoying detail). 
I apologize for any typo, I’m upset and english is not my native language. :confounded::weary:

I can’t add text to the grid (Chrome Browser on Mac). I can see the cell is selected, but there’s no option to add text.  It’s unusable

I’m looking into this feature for user requirements gathering, but it looks like the text you type directly into the cells will NOT be exported into an CSV excel file. I know it will work with sticky notes, but that’s an extra move on the guest users part (shout out to the guest editing feature!), and sticky notes have a text limit, and putting a text box in there might get confusing for them to know if this is the text box or the cell in the grid. 

TLDR; can we get the direct text in the cells of the grids to export too? 

Looks like progress has been made on the CSV export! I set up a 6 row x 4 column grid and was able to export the data as a CSV file.

What worked: All data was exported. There were 6 rows and 4 columns in the spreadsheet. Columns 1 and 4 were an exact match between the grid and the spreadsheet. Data from each row was extracted into the correct row.

What didn’t work: Data in columns 2 and 3 of the grid were imported into column 2 of the Excel spreadsheet. A row was added in column 2 for the data in column 3, making the entries appear to be stacked (column 2 data over column 3 data). Column 3 was blank. 

Hi, Jenny. Can you please DM me your board backup (doesn’t have all of the board – we only need to see the original Grid) and the .csv file or a screenshot of that .csv?  

I just signed up and the feature I need is this - Grids
How can I get access? This is a deal-breaker to use Miro if we don’t have grids.


@Lena Shenkarenko how can grids be moved around the board? I can rearrange columns and rows, but I can’t select the whole grid and move it somewhere else on the board. Miro also freezes completely when I attempt to try it.

Am I the only one that would like to add frames to a grid? It is a pretty good way to organise content, but I need the export → PDF function of frames to be able to use the content in a different context afterwards. The Miro board is a birds-eye overview and structuring of content for all our university. 

I coud not find any documentation that explains how to do this. Anyone?

Am I the only one that would like to add frames to a grid? It is a pretty good way to organise content, but I need the export → PDF function of frames to be able to use the content in a different context afterwards. The Miro board is a birds-eye overview and structuring of content for all our university. 

I coud not find any documentation that explains how to do this. Anyone?

@Marcial Franze - Are you trying to add a Frame around a Table, or in a Table cell?

You should be able to do both. Note: if you put Frames inside Table cells, you need to select all objects (left-click and drag around the entire Table) before you move it, otherwise moving only the Table will leave the frames behind.

Here are a few ways to add a Frame around a Table:


Initial size is clunky. Should be able to drag out a grid the size I want. 


Would like to be able to tie grid to other drawing objects so I can put toggles in grid and (other places) with information and then turn the toggles on/off to show/hide parts of drawings/presentations so that I can lead collaborators through options and thought processes.

How soon until this is generally released? I am seeing about using this for remote D&D.

There, I superimpose a map onto a grid since the characters can only move so far. Having a grid means I won’t have to do this manually and lock each gridline. 

Hey guys !
A few suggestions, perhaps some have been mentioned previously.

  • Option to remove rows and columns, not just add (couldn’t find it at least)
  • Option to lock content inside the cells, despite locking the grid you can still drag content out
  • Adding cell text seems clunky, disappears
  • Auto snap content into cell’s center with a wide snap radius, currently one needs to be quite accurate with placement
  • An easy option to swap between cell contents would be awesome, perhaps a drag swap feature

Is there a way to copy multiple rows from one grid to another?

Right now I am copying cell by cell which is not functional.

Thank you @Max Harper and @Adar – passed your feedback on to the product team!

@Adar it IS, in fact, possible to delete rows and columns. Here’s a link to a short Loom video showing how it works 


The grid is an awesome feature :-)
I have been using it to create some swim lanes to describe user flows for a system we are building.

I have noticed that often I can not resize the rows or columns, even though there is enough free space. 
I have shifted to manual cell resize.
I have shapes and connection lines in the cells and the lines also go across the cells.

I nice add on would be to make it possible to change text direction to vertical, in my case I would use that for row names. That is often used for swim lanes. In the current setup, the text gets in my way ;-)


Other than that, I love working with the grid and Miro in general :-)

I tested a bit more and have found that if I delete the lines connecting across cells, I can resize. 
This is though a bit annoying as you might imagine ;-)

Personally, Grid is my favorite of all Miro features. I would love to have one small tweak to it. When I tried to create or move another grid inside a grid cell, it is showing a warning that it isn’t supported. Can we have a grid inside a grid cell just like shapes or other objects? This will make a ton of difference, at least to our team where we brainstorm and write concepts granularity-wise i.e we zoom in as we get deeper into a concept.
